diff options
authorFredy <>2018-05-23 12:41:18 +0200
committerFredy <>2018-05-23 12:41:18 +0200
commit821fe64f18f98322f889588f1e1d8312c776e484 (patch)
parenta82146e9578e5a7ac476dba0f7a1db3f5dd5db40 (diff)
#837 restoring script file
2 files changed, 382 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/installer/pkg-generator/DEBIAN/postinst b/installer/pkg-generator/DEBIAN/postinst
index 92189cca..8450d8ce 100755
--- a/installer/pkg-generator/DEBIAN/postinst
+++ b/installer/pkg-generator/DEBIAN/postinst
@@ -1260,7 +1260,7 @@ db_get opengnsys-full/OPENGNSYS_IS_INSTALLED
if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
echo "Opengnsys already installed; Updating"
- /tmp/opengnsys_installer/
+ /tmp/opengnsys_installer/
echo "Updated!!"
exit 0
diff --git a/installer/pkg-generator/ b/installer/pkg-generator/
index 5f488336..99146bde 100755
--- a/installer/pkg-generator/
+++ b/installer/pkg-generator/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
####### This script downloads svn repo and generates a debian package
####### Autor: Fredy <> 2018 Q1
-####### First attempt just launches the opengnsys_installer
# Needs root priviledges
if [ "$(whoami)" != 'root' ]; then
@@ -11,16 +11,23 @@ if [ "$(whoami)" != 'root' ]; then
exit 1
+#### Variables
+VERSION="1.1" # dinamically updated later
+PKG_GEN_PATH=/tmp/debian-pkg # general working dir
+ROOTDIR=$PKG_GEN_PATH/$PKG_NAME # specific working dir for each package type
+INSTALL_TARGET=$ROOTDIR/opt/opengnsys #
# Registro de incidencias.
LOG_FILE=/tmp/$(basename $OGLOGFILE)
+#### Git
@@ -29,6 +36,15 @@ RAW_URL="$BRANCH"
+# Usuario del cliente para acceso remoto.
+#### Functions
function help()
read -r -d '' HELP <<- EOM
@@ -36,7 +52,7 @@ read -r -d '' HELP <<- EOM
# This script creates debian ".deb" packages for the great #
# Opengnsys Deployment Software #
# - Select which type of package you would like to generate #
-# - You will find your ".deb" file inside /root/debian-pkg folder #
+# - You will find your ".deb" file inside /tmp/debian-pkg/ folder #
# - Send the ".deb" file to your destination machine and install it: #
# - apt install ./opengnsys-*.deb (use apt instead apt-get or dpkg) #
# The script has been tested on Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 LTS #
@@ -65,19 +81,298 @@ function errorAndLog()
-function createControlFile()
+# This function test if a file exist
+function fileExist()
+local FILE="$1"
+if [ ! -e $FILE ]; then
+ echo "$FILE is needed but does not exist." >&2
+ exit 1
+# This function test if a file exist
+function dependExist()
-cat > $ROOTDIR/DEBIAN/control << EOF
-Package: $PKG_NAME
-Priority: optional
-Section: misc
-Architecture: all
-Version: $VERSION
-Description: Opengnsys Deploy Generator
+dpkg -l $1 | grep ii > /dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Package $1 is needed but is not installed." >&2
+ exit 1
+function createUser()
+ # Crear usuario ficticio.
+ if id -u $OPENGNSYS_CLIENT_USER &>/dev/null; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): user \"$OPENGNSYS_CLIENT_USER\" is already created"
+ else
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): creating OpenGnsys user"
+ useradd $OPENGNSYS_CLIENT_USER 2>/dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): error creating OpenGnsys user" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+# Crea la estructura base de la instalación de opengnsys
+function createDirs()
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): invalid number of parameters" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ local path_opengnsys_base="$1"
+ # Crear estructura de directorios.
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): creating directory paths in $path_opengnsys_base"
+ mkdir -p $path_opengnsys_base
+ mkdir -p $path_opengnsys_base/bin
+ mkdir -p $path_opengnsys_base/client/shared/bin
+ mkdir -p $path_opengnsys_base/doc
+ mkdir -p $path_opengnsys_base/etc
+ mkdir -p $path_opengnsys_base/images/groups
+ mkdir -p $path_opengnsys_base/lib
+ mkdir -p $path_opengnsys_base/log/clients
+ mkdir -p $path_opengnsys_base/sbin
+# mkdir -p $path_opengnsys_base/tftpboot/{menu.lst,grub}
+ mkdir -p $path_opengnsys_base/www
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): error while creating dirs. Do you have write permissions?" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Crear usuario ficticio.
+ createUser
+ # Establecer los permisos básicos.
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): setting directory permissions"
+ chmod -R 775 $path_opengnsys_base/{log/clients,images}
+ chown -R :$OPENGNSYS_CLIENT_USER $path_opengnsys_base/{log/clients,images}
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): error while setting permissions" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Mover el fichero de registro de instalación al directorio de logs.
+# echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): moving installation log file"
+# chmod 600 $LOG_FILE
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): directory paths created"
+ return 0
+# Copia ficheros de configuración y ejecutables genéricos del servidor.
+function copyServerFiles ()
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): invalid number of parameters" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ local path_opengnsys_base="$1"
+ # Lista de ficheros y directorios origen y de directorios destino.
+ local SOURCES=( server/tftpboot \
+ server/bin \
+ repoman/bin \
+ server/lib \
+ admin/Sources/Services/ogAdmServerAux
+ admin/Sources/Services/ogAdmRepoAux
+ installer/ \
+ installer/ \
+ installer/ \
+ installer/ \
+ doc )
+ local TARGETS=( tftpboot \
+ bin \
+ bin \
+ lib \
+ sbin \
+ sbin \
+ lib \
+ lib \
+ lib \
+ lib \
+ doc )
+ if [ ${#SOURCES[@]} != ${#TARGETS[@]} ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): inconsistent number of array items" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Copiar ficheros.
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): copying files to server directories"
+ pushd $WORKDIR/opengnsys
+ local i
+ for (( i = 0; i < ${#SOURCES[@]}; i++ )); do
+ if [ -f "${SOURCES[$i]}" ]; then
+ echo "Copying ${SOURCES[$i]} to $path_opengnsys_base/${TARGETS[$i]}"
+ cp -a "${SOURCES[$i]}" "${path_opengnsys_base}/${TARGETS[$i]}"
+ elif [ -d "${SOURCES[$i]}" ]; then
+ echo "Copying content of ${SOURCES[$i]} to $path_opengnsys_base/${TARGETS[$i]}"
+ cp -a "${SOURCES[$i]}"/* "${path_opengnsys_base}/${TARGETS[$i]}"
+ else
+ echo "Unable to copy ${SOURCES[$i]} to $path_opengnsys_base/${TARGETS[$i]}"
+ fi
+ done
+ popd
+# Copiar carpeta de Interface
+function copyInterfaceAdm ()
+ local hayErrores=0
+ # Crear carpeta y copiar Interface
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Copying Administration Interface Folder"
+ cp -ar $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Interface $INSTALL_TARGET/client/interfaceAdm
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): error while copying Administration Interface Folder" >&2
+ hayErrores=1
+ fi
+ chmod 700 $INSTALL_TARGET/client/interfaceAdm/CambiarAcceso
+ return $hayErrores
+function copyClientFiles()
+ local errstatus=0
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Copying OpenGnsys Client files."
+ cp -a $WORKDIR/opengnsys/client/shared/* $INSTALL_TARGET/client
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): error while copying client estructure" >&2
+ errstatus=1
+ fi
+ find $INSTALL_TARGET/client -name .svn -type d -exec rm -fr {} \; 2>/dev/null
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Copying OpenGnsys Cloning Engine files."
+ mkdir -p $INSTALL_TARGET/client/lib/engine/bin
+ cp -a $WORKDIR/opengnsys/client/engine/*.lib* $INSTALL_TARGET/client/lib/engine/bin
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): error while copying engine files" >&2
+ errstatus=1
+ fi
+ if [ $errstatus -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): client copy files success."
+ else
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): client copy files with errors" >&2
+ fi
+ return $errstatus
+# Copiar ficheros del OpenGnsys Web Console.
+function installWebFiles()
+ local COMPATDIR f
+ local SLIMFILE=""
+ local SWAGGERFILE=""
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Installing web files..."
+ # Copiar ficheros.
+ cp -a $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/WebConsole/* $INSTALL_TARGET/www #*/ comentario para Doxygen.
+ if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Error copying web files." >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ find $INSTALL_TARGET/www -name .svn -type d -exec rm -fr {} \; 2>/dev/null
+ # Descomprimir librerías: Slim y Swagger-UI.
+ unzip -o $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/$SLIMFILE -d $INSTALL_TARGET/www/rest
+ unzip -o $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/$SWAGGERFILE -d $INSTALL_TARGET/www/rest
+ # Compatibilidad con dispositivos móviles.
+ for f in acciones administracion aula aulas hardwares imagenes menus repositorios softwares; do
+ sed 's/clickcontextualnodo/clicksupnodo/g' $COMPATDIR/$f.php > $COMPATDIR/$f.device.php
+ done
+ cp -a $COMPATDIR/imagenes.device.php $COMPATDIR/imagenes.device4.php
+ # Cambiar permisos para ficheros especiales.
+ chown -R $APACHE_RUN_USER:$APACHE_RUN_GROUP $INSTALL_TARGET/www/images/{fotos,iconos}
+ # Ficheros de log de la API REST.
+ touch $INSTALL_TARGET/log/{ogagent,remotepc,rest}.log
+ chown -R $APACHE_RUN_USER:$APACHE_RUN_GROUP $INSTALL_TARGET/log/{ogagent,remotepc,rest}.log
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Web files installed successfully."
+function installDownloadableFiles()
+ INSTVERSION=1.1.0 ### Temporal.
+ local FILENAME=ogagentpkgs-$INSTVERSION.tar.gz
+ local DOWNLOADURL=""
+ # Descargar archivo comprimido, si es necesario.
+ if [ -s $PROGRAMDIR/$FILENAME ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Moving $PROGRAMDIR/$FILENAME file to $(dirname $TARGETFILE)"
+ else
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Downloading $FILENAME"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -s $TARGETFILE ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Cannot download $FILENAME" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Descomprimir fichero en zona de descargas.
+ tar xvzf $TARGETFILE -C $INSTALL_TARGET/www/descargas
+ if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Error uncompressing archive." >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Crear documentación Doxygen para la consola web.
+function makeDoxygenFiles()
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Making Doxygen web files..."
+ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/installer/ \
+ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/client/engine $INSTALL_TARGET/www
+ if [ ! -d "$INSTALL_TARGET/www/html" ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): unable to create Doxygen web files." >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ mv "$INSTALL_TARGET/www/html" "$INSTALL_TARGET/www/api"
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Doxygen web files created successfully."
+# Deletes non usefull files form .deb
+function cleanFiles()
+ local TO_CLEAN=( server/bin \
+ repoman/bin \
+ server/lib \
+ admin/Sources/Services/ogAdmServerAux
+ admin/Sources/Services/ogAdmRepoAux
+ installer \
+ doc \
+ ogagentpkgs-1.1.0.tar.gz \
+ admin/WebConsole \
+ client/shared
+ client/engine
+ pkg-generator )
+ pushd $ROOTDIR/tmp/opengnsys_installer
+ local i
+ for (( i = 0; i < ${#TO_CLEAN[@]}; i++ )); do
+ echo "Deleting ${TO_CLEAN[$i]}"
+ rm -Rf "${TO_CLEAN[$i]}"
+ done
+ popd
function downloadCode()
@@ -105,62 +400,73 @@ function createFullPackage()
+# Delete previously package structure
+if [ -d $ROOTDIR ]; then rm -Rf $ROOTDIR; fi
+#svn export --force $SVNURL $WORKDIR
+#svn export --force $SVNURL_TICKET $WORKDIR
#downloadCode $CODE_URL
# for testing and development:
-git clone -b $DEV_BRANCH $TMPDIR
+git clone -b $DEV_BRANCH $WORKDIR
-ln -s $TMPDIR/ $TMPDIR/opengnsys
-DEPENDS="Depends: subversion, apache2, php, php-ldap, libapache2-mod-php, isc-dhcp-server, bittorrent, tftp-hpa, tftpd-hpa, xinetd, build-essential, g++-multilib, libmysqlclient-dev, wget, curl, doxygen, graphviz, bittornado, ctorrent, samba, rsync, unzip, netpipes, debootstrap, schroot, squashfs-tools, btrfs-tools, procps, arp-scan, realpath, php-curl, gettext ,moreutils, jq, wakeonlan, mysql-server, php-mysql, udpcast"
-# Copy installer to postinst
-#cp $TMPDIR/installer/ $ROOTDIR/DEBIAN/postinst
-cp -a $TMPDIR/installer/pkg-generator/DEBIAN $ROOTDIR/
+echoAndLog "Copying $WORKDIR/pkg-generator/* to $ROOTDIR"
+cp -a $WORKDIR/installer/pkg-generator/* $ROOTDIR
+ln -s -f $WORKDIR/ $WORKDIR/opengnsys
+# Create needed files inside $ROOTDIR/DEBIAN
+copyServerFiles $INSTALL_TARGET
# Ejemplo de modificacion del postinst al vuelo
# sed -i 's/wget --spider -q/wget --spider -q --no-check-certificate/g' $ROOTDIR/DEBIAN/postinst
# deactivate svn function
#sed -i '/function svnExportCode/{N;s/$/\nreturn 0/}' $ROOTDIR/DEBIAN/postinst
-# copy repo structure inside .deb package and delete .git dir
-cp -r $TMPDIR $ROOTDIR/tmp
-rm -Rf $ROOTDIR/tmp/opengnsys_installer/.git
+# copy svn repo structure inside .deb package
+echo "Copying from $WORKDIR to $ROOTDIR/tmp"
+cp -a $WORKDIR $ROOTDIR/tmp
+# Clean temp files
+echo "Finished cleaning duplicated files"
+[ -f $VERSIONFILE ] || echo "OpenGnsys Server" >$VERSIONFILE
+local VERSION=$(cat $VERSIONFILE | awk '{print $2}')
+local REVISION=$(LANG=C svn info $SVNURL|awk '/Rev:/ {print "r"$4}')
+local ARCH=$(grep Architecture $ROOTDIR/DEBIAN/control | awk '{print $2}')
+echo -e "\n"
+echo "Version is: $VERSION Revision: $REVISION"
+echo -e "\n"
+sed -ri "s/($| r[0-9]*)/ $REVISION/" $VERSIONFILE
+sed -ri "s/^Version\: VERSION/Version\: $VERSION$REVISION/" $ROOTDIR/DEBIAN/control
# Finally Generate package
dpkg --build $PKG_NAME .
+if [ $? = 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "\n"
+ echo -e " Package Generated: ${PKG_GEN_PATH}/${PKG_NAME}_${VERSION}${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb \n"
+ echo -e "\n"
-function createClientPackage()
-mkdir -p $TMPDIR/opengnsys/client/
-mkdir -p $ROOTDIR/tmp/client
-svn checkout $SVNURL/client $TMPDIR/opengnsys/client/
-DEPENDS="Depends: debootstrap, subversion, schroot, squashfs-tools, syslinux, genisoimage, ipxe, qemu, lsof"
-# Copy installer to postinst
-cp $TMPDIR/opengnsys/client/boot-tools/ $ROOTDIR/DEBIAN/postinst
-# Modify installer
-sed -i 's/apt-get -y --force-yes install/#apt-get -y --force-yes install/g' $ROOTDIR/DEBIAN/postinst
-# Copy repo to package
-cp -a $TMPDIR $ROOTDIR/tmp
-# Generate package
-dpkg --build $PKG_NAME .
# Start the Menu
+function mainMenu()
echo "Main Menu"
# Define the choices to present to the user.
-choices=( 'help' "Create full package" "Client package (testing)" 'exit')
+choices=( 'help' "Create full package" 'exit')
while [ "$menu" != 1 ]; do
# Present the choices.
@@ -179,17 +485,17 @@ while [ "$menu" != 1 ]; do
exit 0
- "Client package (testing)")
- echo "Creating Client package..."
- createClientPackage
- exit 0
- ;;
+ #"Client package (testing)")
+ #echo "Creating Client package..."
+ #createClientPackage
+ #exit 0
+ #;;
echo "Exiting. "
exit 0
- echo "Wrong choice!"
+ echo "Wrong choice!" >&2
exit 1
@@ -199,6 +505,17 @@ done
echo "End of the script"
+# From here the script starts working
+# Needed dependencies and files for this script:
+# curl doxygen subversion graphviz unzip
+for d in curl doxygen subversion graphviz unzip; do
+ dependExist $d
+for f in curl doxygen svn gvgen unzip; do
+ fileExist /usr/bin/$f