diff options
authorRamón M. Gómez <>2019-11-14 14:23:38 +0100
committerRamón M. Gómez <>2019-11-14 14:23:38 +0100
commitb45357db9c081109c4f2352194979535065aac21 (patch)
parent4d92ee0d2c75e95799eb898c72f3823309dbb8d9 (diff)
#932: REST route `POST /repository/poweron` accepts MAC addresses without colon characters.
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/admin/WebConsole/rest/repository.php b/admin/WebConsole/rest/repository.php
index 736cc1c2..7a32b388 100644
--- a/admin/WebConsole/rest/repository.php
+++ b/admin/WebConsole/rest/repository.php
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
* @note Some ideas are based on article "How to create REST API for Android app using PHP, Slim and MySQL" by Ravi Tamada, thanx.
* @license GNU GPLv3+
* @author Juan Manuel Bardallo SIC Universidad de Huelva
- * @version 1.0
+ * @version 1.1.0
* @date 2016-04-06
-// Auxiliar functions.
+// Auxiliary functions.
* @brief Validate API key included in "Authorization" HTTP header.
* @return JSON response on error.
function validateRepositoryApiKey() {
- $response = array();
+ $response = [];
$app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
// Assign user id. that match this key to global variable.
@@ -55,18 +55,17 @@ function commandExist($cmd) {
-// Define REST routes.
+// REST routes.
* @brief List all images in the repository
* @note Route: /repository/images, Method: GET
- * @param no
- * @return JSON object with directory, images array, ous array and disk data.
+ * @return string JSON object with directory, images array, ous array and disk data.
$app->get('/repository/images(/)', 'validateRepositoryApiKey',
function() use ($app) {
- $response = array();
+ $response = [];
// Read repository information file.
$cfgFile = '/opt/opengnsys/etc/repoinfo.json';
$response = json_decode(@file_get_contents($cfgFile), true);
@@ -123,13 +122,12 @@ $app->get('/repository/images(/)', 'validateRepositoryApiKey',
* @brief List image data
* @note Route: /repository/image/:imagename, Method: GET
- * @param no
- * @return JSON object with image data.
+ * @return string JSON object with image data.
$app->get('/repository/image(/:ouname)/:imagename(/)', 'validateRepositoryApiKey',
function($ouname="/", $imagename) use ($app) {
- $images = array();
- $response = array();
+ $images = [];
+ $response = [];
// Search image name in repository information file.
$cfgFile = '/opt/opengnsys/etc/repoinfo.json';
$json = json_decode(@file_get_contents($cfgFile), true);
@@ -180,11 +178,12 @@ $app->get('/repository/image(/:ouname)/:imagename(/)', 'validateRepositoryApiKey
* @brief Power on a pc or group of pcs with the MAC specified in POST parameters
* @note Route: /poweron, Method: POST
- * @param macs OU id.
- * @return JSON string ok if the power on command was sent
+ * @param array Array of MAC addresses
+ * @return string JSON string ok if the power on command was sent
$app->post('/repository/poweron', 'validateRepositoryApiKey',
function() use($app) {
+ $response = [];
// The macs parameter must come in the post (JSON object with array of MACs)
$data = json_decode($app->request()->getBody());
if (empty($data->macs)) {
@@ -195,6 +194,9 @@ $app->post('/repository/poweron', 'validateRepositoryApiKey',
// Execute local wakeonlan command (may be installed)
if(commandExist("wakeonlan")) {
$strMacs = trim(implode(' ', $data->macs));
+ if(stristr($strMacs, ':') === false) {
+ $strMacs = implode(':', str_split($strMacs, 2));
+ }
$response["output"] = "Executing wakeonlan ".$strMacs."\n";
$response["output"] .= shell_exec("wakeonlan ".$strMacs);
jsonResponse(200, $response);