diff options
authorRamón M. Gómez <>2019-12-18 16:58:31 +0100
committerRamón M. Gómez <>2019-12-18 16:58:31 +0100
commit66bf79d4b7cd5adadecf1497288e92f4b9789861 (patch)
parentd6a008427c1710bedd527029596e0fb397ed54dd (diff)
#947: New web page with Organization Unit statistics obtained from de database.
4 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/WebConsole/idiomas/php/cat/estadisticas_cat.php b/admin/WebConsole/idiomas/php/cat/estadisticas_cat.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ac726a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/WebConsole/idiomas/php/cat/estadisticas_cat.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Fichero de idiomas php: estadisticas_cat.php
+// Idioma: Català
+if (empty($TbMsg)) $TbMsg = [];
+$TbMsg += [
+ "TITLE_STATS" => 'Estadísticas de la Unidad Organizativa',
+ "LABEL_LABS" => 'Aulas definidas',
+ "LABEL_HASPROF" => 'Aulas con ordenador de profesor',
+ "LABEL_REMOTELAB" => 'Aulas con acceso remoto habilitado',
+ "LABEL_CLIENTS" => 'Ordenadores definidos',
+ "LABEL_HASCONFIG" => 'Ordenadores con configuración guardada',
+ "LABEL_HASREPO" => 'Ordenadores con repositorio asignado',
+ "LABEL_HASHARD" => "Ordenadores con perfil de hardware",
+ "LABEL_HASSERIAL" => 'Ordenadores con número de serie',
+ "LABEL_REPOS" => 'Repositorios de imágenes definidos',
+ "LABEL_IMAGES" => 'Imágenes definidas',
+ "LABEL_MONOIMG" => 'Imágenes monolíticas',
+ "LABEL_HASSOFT" => 'Imágenes con perfil de software',
+ "LABEL_REMOTEIMG" => 'Imágenes con acceso remoto habilitado',
+ "LABEL_OSES" => 'Sistemas operativos distintos',
+ "LABEL_MENUS" => 'Menús definidos',
+ "LABEL_PROCS" => 'Procedimientos definidos',
+ "LABEL_TASKS" => 'Tareas definidas',
+ "MSG_UNAVAILABLE" => 'Estadísticas no disponibles',
+ ];
diff --git a/admin/WebConsole/idiomas/php/eng/estadisticas_eng.php b/admin/WebConsole/idiomas/php/eng/estadisticas_eng.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40d71b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/WebConsole/idiomas/php/eng/estadisticas_eng.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Php language file: estadisticas_eng.php
+// Language: English
+if (empty($TbMsg)) $TbMsg = [];
+$TbMsg += [
+ "TITLE_STATS" => 'Statístics of the Organizational Unit',
+ "LABEL_LABS" => 'Defined labs',
+ "LABEL_HASPROF" => "Labs with teacher's computer",
+ "LABEL_REMOTELAB" => 'Labs with remote access enabled',
+ "LABEL_CLIENTS" => 'Defined computers',
+ "LABEL_HASCONFIG" => 'Computers with saved configuration',
+ "LABEL_HASREPO" => 'Computers assigned to a repository',
+ "LABEL_HASHARD" => "Computers with hardware profile",
+ "LABEL_HASSERIAL" => 'Computers with serial number',
+ "LABEL_REPOS" => 'Defined image repositories',
+ "LABEL_IMAGES" => 'Defined images',
+ "LABEL_MONOIMG" => 'Imágenes monolíticas',
+ "LABEL_HASSOFT" => 'Images with software profile',
+ "LABEL_REMOTEIMG" => 'Images with remote access enabled',
+ "LABEL_OSES" => 'Different operating systems',
+ "LABEL_MENUS" => 'Defined menus',
+ "LABEL_PROCS" => 'Defined procedures',
+ "LABEL_TASKS" => 'Defined tasks',
+ "MSG_UNAVAILABLE" => 'Statistics are not available',
+ ];
diff --git a/admin/WebConsole/idiomas/php/esp/estadisticas_esp.php b/admin/WebConsole/idiomas/php/esp/estadisticas_esp.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2344f6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/WebConsole/idiomas/php/esp/estadisticas_esp.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Fichero de idiomas php: estadisticas_esp.php
+// Idioma: Español
+if (empty($TbMsg)) $TbMsg = [];
+$TbMsg += [
+ "TITLE_STATS" => 'Estadísticas de la Unidad Organizativa',
+ "LABEL_LABS" => 'Aulas definidas',
+ "LABEL_HASPROF" => 'Aulas con ordenador de profesor',
+ "LABEL_REMOTELAB" => 'Aulas con acceso remoto habilitado',
+ "LABEL_CLIENTS" => 'Ordenadores definidos',
+ "LABEL_HASCONFIG" => 'Ordenadores con configuración guardada',
+ "LABEL_HASREPO" => 'Ordenadores con repositorio asignado',
+ "LABEL_HASHARD" => "Ordenadores con perfil de hardware",
+ "LABEL_HASSERIAL" => 'Ordenadores con número de serie',
+ "LABEL_REPOS" => 'Repositorios de imágenes definidos',
+ "LABEL_IMAGES" => 'Imágenes definidas',
+ "LABEL_MONOIMG" => 'Imágenes monolíticas',
+ "LABEL_HASSOFT" => 'Imágenes con perfil de software',
+ "LABEL_REMOTEIMG" => 'Imágenes con acceso remoto habilitado',
+ "LABEL_OSES" => 'Sistemas operativos distintos',
+ "LABEL_MENUS" => 'Menús definidos',
+ "LABEL_PROCS" => 'Procedimientos definidos',
+ "LABEL_TASKS" => 'Tareas definidas',
+ "MSG_UNAVAILABLE" => 'Estadísticas no disponibles',
+ ];
diff --git a/admin/WebConsole/principal/estadisticas.php b/admin/WebConsole/principal/estadisticas.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eede5aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/WebConsole/principal/estadisticas.php
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ *
+ */
+include_once(__DIR__ . "/../includes/ctrlacc.php");
+include_once(__DIR__ . "/../includes/CreaComando.php");
+include_once(__DIR__ . "/../clases/AdoPhp.php");
+include_once(__DIR__ . "/../idiomas/php/$idioma/estadisticas_$idioma.php");
+if (!$cmd) {
+ header('Location: '.$pagerror.'?herror=2'); // Database connection error
+// Retrieving statistics from the database.
+$data = get_statistics($cmd, $idcentro);
+<html lang="es">
+ <title>Administración web de aulas</title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../estilos.css">
+<div align="center" class="cabeceras"><?php echo $TbMsg['TITLE_STATS'] ?></div>
+<?php if ($data) { ?>
+ <div align="center" class="subcabeceras"><?php echo $data["ou"] ?></div>
+ <p>
+ <table align="center" class="tabla_listados_sin">
+ <?php
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_LABS'], $data['labs']);
+ if ($data['labs'] > 0) {
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_HASPROF'], $data['hasprof'], $data['labs']);
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_REMOTELAB'], $data['remotelab'], $data['labs']);
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_CLIENTS'], $data['clients']);
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_HASCONFIG'], $data['hasconfig'], $data['clients']);
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_HASREPO'], $data['hasrepo'], $data['clients']);
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_HASHARD'], $data['hashard'], $data['clients']);
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_HASSERIAL'], $data['hasserial'], $data['clients']);
+ }
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_REPOS'], $data['repos']);
+ if ($data['repos'] > 0) {
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_IMAGES'], $data['images']);
+ if ($data['images'] > 0) {
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_MONOIMG'], $data['monoimg'], $data['images']);
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_HASSOFT'], $data['hassoft'], $data['images']);
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_REMOTEIMG'], $data['remoteimg'], $data['images']);
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_OSES'], $data['oses']);
+ }
+ }
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_MENUS'], $data['menus']);
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_PROCS'], $data['procs']);
+ print_data_row($TbMsg['LABEL_TASKS'], $data['tasks']);
+ ?>
+ </table>
+<?php } else {?>
+ <p align="center"><?php echo $TbMsg['MSG_UNAVAILABLE'] ?></p>
+<?php } ?>
+<div align="center" class="pie"><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Volver</a></div>
+ * @function get_statistics
+ * @param $cmd
+ * @param $id
+ * @return array
+ */
+function get_statistics($cmd, $id) {
+ $rs=new Recordset;
+ $cmd->texto = <<<EOT
+ FROM (SELECT nombrecentro AS ou,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT idaula) AS labs,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT IF(idordprofesor > 0, idaula, NULL)) AS hasprof,
+ COUNT(IF(inremotepc = 1, 1, NULL)) AS remotelab,
+ COUNT(idordenador) AS clients,
+ COUNT(numserie) AS hasconfig,
+ COUNT(IF(idrepositorio > 0, 1, NULL)) AS hasrepo,
+ COUNT(IF(idperfilhard > 0, 1, NULL)) AS hashard,
+ COUNT(IF(numserie = '', NULL, 1)) AS hasserial
+ FROM centros
+ LEFT JOIN aulas USING(idcentro)
+ LEFT JOIN ordenadores USING(idaula)
+ WHERE idcentro = $id) AS t1,
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) AS repos
+ FROM repositorios
+ WHERE idcentro = $id) AS t2,
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) AS images,
+ COUNT(IF(tipo = 1, 1, NULL)) AS monoimg,
+ COUNT(IF(idperfilsoft > 0, 1, NULL)) AS hassoft,
+ COUNT(IF(inremotepc = 1, 1, NULL)) AS remoteimg,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT idnombreso) AS oses
+ FROM imagenes
+ LEFT JOIN perfilessoft USING(idperfilsoft)
+ LEFT JOIN nombresos USING(idnombreso)
+ WHERE imagenes.idcentro = $id) AS t3,
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) AS menus
+ FROM menus
+ WHERE idcentro = $id) AS t4,
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) as procs
+ FROM procedimientos
+ WHERE idcentro = $id) AS t5,
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) as tasks
+ FROM tareas
+ WHERE idcentro = $id) AS t6;
+ $rs->Comando=&$cmd;
+ if (!$rs->Abrir()) {
+ return(null); // Error opening the record set
+ }
+ $rs->Primero();
+ $data = $rs->campos;
+ $rs->Cerrar();
+ return($data);
+ * @param string $label
+ * @param int $value
+ * @param int $total
+ */
+function print_data_row($label, $value, $total=0) {
+ echo "\t\t<tr><th>&nbsp;$label:&nbsp;</th><td>&nbsp;$value" .
+ ($total>0 ? " (".intval($value*100/$total)."%)" : "") . "&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
+} \ No newline at end of file