diff options
authorRamón M. Gómez <>2020-01-20 14:25:51 +0100
committerRamón M. Gómez <>2020-01-20 14:25:51 +0100
commitb6d3c1d05f59910d67c65fcaa114c1c38c716af7 (patch)
parent283164766b1e697337afc0878d6aff13f965e1d8 (diff)
#946: Updating Vagrant labs to OpenGnsys 1.1.1a
-rw-r--r--installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-1.1.1a-vbox (renamed from installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-1.1.1-vbox)11
5 files changed, 188 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/installer/vagrant/ b/installer/vagrant/
index bc5888fe..94660356 100644
--- a/installer/vagrant/
+++ b/installer/vagrant/
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ Requisitos previos.
El entorno de trabajo de OpenGnsys.
- - ogAdministrator: MV para servidor OpenGnsys basada en Ubuntu 16.04 y 2º disco para repositorio.
- - pc11: MV cliente mlodelo con Ubuntu 16.04 instalado.
+ - ogAdministrator: MV para servidor OpenGnsys basada en Ubuntu Server y 2º disco para repositorio.
+ - pc11: MV cliente mlodelo con Ubuntu Server instalado.
- pc12 - pcX: MV clientes para restaurar con disco vacío.
@@ -33,12 +33,13 @@ Ejecutar el entorno virtual (Vagrantfile-prod-vbox y Vagrantfile-devel-vbox).
- LANGUAGE: idioma (se aceptan es_ES, ca_ES y en_GB).
- NCLIENTS: nº de clientes a generar (de 2 a 9).
- REPODISK, REPOSIZE: fichero y tamaño (en GB) del disco virtual para el repositorio de imágenes.
- - SERVERMEM, CLIENTMEM: memoria virtual (en MB) para servidor y clientes (mínimo 256 MB).
+ - SERVERMEM, CLIENTMEM: memoria virtual (en MB) para servidor y clientes (mínimo 512 MB).
- NETPREFIX: prefijo para las direcciones IP de la red virtual.
- MACPREFIX: prefijo para las direcciones MAC de los clientes.
- SERVERIP: dirección IP del servidor OpenGnsys
- - LOCALWEBPORT: puerto local para acceder al web de administración del servidor.
- - Opcional: para una definición automática del aula virtual con sus clientes, descomentar las líneas del fichero Vagrantfile de los comandos "mysql" y "setclientmode".
+ - LOCALWEBPORT: puerto local para acceder a la web de administración del servidor.
+ - Opcional: para una definición automática del aula virtual con sus clientes, descomentar las líneas del fichero Vagrantfile de los comandos "mysql", "setclientmode" y relacionados.
+ - Opcional: para instalar automáticamente el agente de sistema operativo en la MV modelo (pc11), descomentar las líneas del fichero Vagrantfile de los comandos "apt", y relacionados.
- Iniciar la MV del servidor:
vagrant up
@@ -49,9 +50,9 @@ Ejecutar el entorno virtual (Vagrantfile-prod-vbox y Vagrantfile-devel-vbox).
vagrant up pcX (siendo X de 12 al nº máximo definido + 10)
- - Los procesos de inicio pueden tardar varios minutos en la primera ejecución, porque descargan y configuran las máquinas virtuales.
+ - Los procesos de inicio pueden tardar varios minutos en la primera ejecución porque descargan y configuran las máquinas virtuales.
- Si se producen errores al instalar paquetes en el servidor, volver a aprovisionarlo ejecutando "vagrant provision" (o "vagrant up --provision", si la MV está parada).
- - Antes de iniciar las MV de los clientes, debe accederse a la web de OpenGnsys para crear el aula e incorporar los equipos (o revisar que los datos son correctos).
+ - Antes de iniciar las MV de los clientes debe accederse a la web de OpenGnsys para crear el aula e incorporar los equipos (o revisar que los datos son correctos).
- Ignorar los errores de conexión de Vagrant con los clientes vacíos.
@@ -72,4 +73,3 @@ Descripción de las MV.
- Usar VirtualBox para deshabilitar la interfaz 1 de la MV del cliente modelo.
- Una vez desplegadas las MV deberán ser controladas directamente con VirtaulBox.
diff --git a/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-1.1.1-vbox b/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-1.1.1a-vbox
index 7d4fb45c..68d649ec 100644
--- a/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-1.1.1-vbox
+++ b/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-1.1.1a-vbox
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
# VM provider: Oracle VM VirtualBox.
-# OpenGnsys version
+# OpenGnsys version and OGAgent version.
+OGAGENTVERSION="1.1.1" ### TEMPORARY (should be worth the same)
# Language (accepted values: es_ES, ca_ES, en_GB).
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ LOCALWEBPORT = 8443
# OpenGnsys Server provisioning script: prepare repo disk, install OpenGnsys, change default interface, configure DHCP server.
# Exit if OpenGnsys is installed.
-[ -f /opt/opengnsys/doc/VERSION.txt ] && echo "Cannot provision, OpenGnsys is already installed." && exit 1
+[ -f /opt/opengnsys/doc/VERSION.json ] && echo "Cannot provision, OpenGnsys is already installed." && exit 1
# Create repository disk using LVM, if necesary.
if [ -z "$(blkid /dev/mapper/og-images | grep ext4)" ]; then
pvcreate /dev/sdb
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ elif which wget &>/dev/null; then
DOWNLOAD="wget -q -O -"
-$DOWNLOAD$BRANCH/installer/ | bash || exit $?
+$DOWNLOAD "$BRANCH/installer/" | bash || exit $?
mv /opt/opengnsys/log/bash.log /opt/opengnsys/log/opengnsys_installer.log
echo y | /opt/opengnsys/bin/setserveraddr $(ip -o link show | tail -1 | cut -d: -f2)
# Insert DHCP data.
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ EOT
# Client 1 OS provisioning script.
# Comment out next lines to install and configure OGAgent for Ubuntu.
#apt-get update -y
#apt-get install -y curl
#curl -ks https://#{SERVERIP}/opengnsys/descargas/$OGAGENTPKG -o /tmp/$OGAGENTPKG
diff --git a/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-devel-vbox b/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-devel-vbox
index 70bad3ac..f847ca38 100644..120000
--- a/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-devel-vbox
+++ b/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-devel-vbox
@@ -1,170 +1 @@
-# Vagrantfile to install OpenGnsys virtual environment (development version) using VirtualBox provider.
-# VM provider: Oracle VM VirtualBox.
-# Language (accepted values: es_ES, ca_ES, en_GB).
-# Number of OpenGnsys clients (accepted values: from 2 to 9).
-# Repository virtual disk: file and size (GB).
-REPODISK = "ogRepo.vdi"
-# Amount of memory for server and clients (MB)
-SERVERMEM = 1024 # Minimum: 512
-CLIENTMEM = 512 # Minimum: 256
-# Prefixes for MAC and IP addresses.
-MACPREFIX = "08:00:27:0E:65"
-NETPREFIX = "192.168.2"
-# OpenGnsys Server IP address.
-# Local port to access OpenGnsys Server.
-# OpenGnsys Server provisioning script: prepare repo disk, install OpenGnsys, change default interface, configure DHCP server.
-# Exit if OpenGnsys is installed.
-[ -f /opt/opengnsys/doc/VERSION.json ] && echo "Cannot provision, OpenGnsys is already installed." && exit 1
-# Create repository disk using LVM, if necesary.
-if [ -z "$(blkid /dev/mapper/og-images | grep ext4)" ]; then
- pvcreate /dev/sdb
- vgcreate og /dev/sdb
- vgchange -ay
- lvcreate -ay -n images -l 100%VG og
- mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/og-images
- mkdir -p /opt/opengnsys/images
- echo "/dev/mapper/og-images /opt/opengnsys/images ext4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
- mount -a
-# Install OpenGnsys and change server address.
-if which curl &>/dev/null; then
- DOWNLOAD="curl -s"
-elif which wget &>/dev/null; then
- DOWNLOAD="wget -q -O -"
-$DOWNLOAD "$BRANCH/installer/" | bash || exit $?
-mv /opt/opengnsys/log/bash.log /opt/opengnsys/log/opengnsys_installer.log
-echo y | /opt/opengnsys/bin/setserveraddr $(ip -o link show | tail -1 | cut -d: -f2)
-# Insert DHCP data.
-for ((i=#{NCLIENTS+10}; i>10; i--)); do
- sed -i "/^}$/ i host pc${i} { hardware ethernet #{MACPREFIX}:${i}; fixed-address #{NETPREFIX}.${i}; }" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
-service isc-dhcp-server restart
-# Set language.
-export LANG="#{LANGUAGE}.UTF-8"
-echo "LANG=\\\"$LANG\\\"" > /etc/default/locale
-echo "LANG=\\\"$LANG\\\"" >> /etc/environment
-locale-gen --lang #{LANGUAGE}
-sed -i "s/XKBLAYOUT=.*/XKBLAYOUT=\\\"${LANG%_*}\\\"/" /etc/default/keyboard
-dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive console-setup
-# Comment out next lines for automatic data insertion.
-#SQL="INSERT INTO aulas (nombreaula, idcentro, urlfoto, grupoid, ubicacion, puestos, modomul, ipmul, pormul, velmul, router, netmask, ntp, dns, proxy, modp2p, timep2p) VALUES ('Aula virtual', 1, 'aula.jpg', 0, 'Despliegue virtual con Vagrant.', 5, 2, '', 9000, 70, '#{NETPREFIX}.1', '', '', '', '', 'peer', 30); INSERT INTO ordenadores (nombreordenador, ip, mac, idaula, idrepositorio, idperfilhard, idmenu, idproautoexec, grupoid, router, mascara, arranque, netiface, netdriver, fotoord) VALUES"
-#for ((i=11; i<=#{NCLIENTS+10}; i++)); do
-# SQL="$SQL ('pc$i', '#{NETPREFIX}.$i', REPLACE('#{MACPREFIX}$i',':',''), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '#{NETPREFIX}.1', '', '00unknown', 'eth0', 'generic', 'fotoordenador.gif'),"
-#mysql -u usuog -ppassusuog -D ogAdmBD -e "${SQL%,}"
-#/opt/opengnsys/bin/setclientmode ogLiveAdmin pc11 PERM
-#for ((i=12; i<=#{NCLIENTS+10}; i++)); do
-# /opt/opengnsys/bin/setclientmode ogLive pc$i PERM
-echo "Notes:"
-echo "- OpenGnsys Server URL: https://localhost:#{LOCALWEBPORT}/opengnsys/"
-exit 0
-# Client 1 OS provisioning script.
-OGAGENTPKG = "ogagent_1.1.1_all.deb"
-# Comment out next lines to install and configure OGAgent for Ubuntu.
-#apt-get update -y
-#apt-get install -y curl
-#curl -ks https://#{SERVERIP}/opengnsys/descargas/#{OGAGENTPKG} -o /tmp/#{OGAGENTPKG}
-#if [ -f /tmp/#{OGAGENTPKG} ]; then
-# apt-get install -y /tmp/#{OGAGENTPKG} || exit $?
-# sed -i "0,/remote=/ s,remote=.*,remote=https://#{SERVERIP}/opengnsys/rest/," /usr/share/OGAgent/cfg/ogagent.cfg
-# rm -f /tmp/#{OGAGENTPKG}
-# echo "Warning: cannot install OGAgent package #{OGAGENTPKG}"
-# Remove network configuration added by Vagrant.
-sed -i "/eth1/ d" /etc/network/interfaces
-echo "Notes:"
-echo "- After now, use VirtualBox GUI to disable network interface 1 and restart this VM."
-# Leave VM halted.
-sleep 2
-poweroff &
-Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
- # OpenGnsys Server VM definition.
- config.vm.define "ogAdministrator", primary: true do |og|
- # Specific VirtualBox configuration.
- og.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
- # VM name, memory and CPUs.
- = "ogAdministrator"
- vb.memory = SERVERMEM
- vb.cpus = 1
- # 2nd virtual disk path (current dir on Windows, VM dir on other OSes)
- if then
- second_disk = File.join(".", REPODISK)
- else
- line = `VBoxManage list systemproperties`.match("Default machine folder.*")[0]
- vb_machine_folder = line.split(':')[1].strip()
- second_disk = File.join(vb_machine_folder,, REPODISK)
- end
- # Create repo virtual disk, if needed.
- unless File.exist?(second_disk)
- vb.customize ['createhd', '--filename', second_disk, '--size', REPOSIZE * 1024]
- end
- # Attach repo virtual disk.
- vb.customize ['storageattach', :id, '--storagectl', 'SATA Controller', '--port', 1, '--device', 0, '--type', 'hdd', '--medium', second_disk]
- end
- # VM base and host name.
- = "bento/ubuntu-18.04"
- og.vm.hostname = "ogAdministrator"
- # Network configuration: forward web port and attach new interface to VMs private network.
- "forwarded_port", guest: 443, host: LOCALWEBPORT, host_ip: ""
- "private_network", mac: "#{MACPREFIX}10".tr(":",""), ip: "#{SERVERIP}", virtualbox__intnet: true
- # Comment out to disable synced folder.
- #og.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
- # Launch provisioning script.
- og.vm.provision "shell", inline: OGSERVERSCRIPT
- end
- # Client 1 VM definition.
- config.vm.define "pc11", autostart: false do |v1|
- = "bento/ubuntu-18.04"
- v1.vm.hostname = "pc11"
- "private_network", mac: "#{MACPREFIX}11".tr(":",""), type: "dhcp", virtualbox__intnet: true
- v1.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
- = "pc11"
- vb.memory = CLIENTMEM
- vb.cpus = 1
- vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--boot1', 'net', '--boot2', 'disk']
- end
- v1.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
- v1.vm.provision "shell", inline: MODELSCRIPT
- end
- # Clonable clients definition.
- (2..NCLIENTS).each do |i|
- config.vm.define "pc#{i+10}", autostart: false do |cl|
- = "clink15/pxe"
- cl.ssh.insert_key = false
- cl.vm.boot_timeout = 5
- "private_network", mac: "#{MACPREFIX}#{i+10}".tr(":",""), type: "dhcp", virtualbox__intnet: true
- cl.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
- = "pc#{i+10}"
- vb.memory = CLIENTMEM
- vb.cpus = 1
- vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--boot1', 'net', '--boot2', 'disk']
- vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nic1", "none"]
- end
- end
- end
+Vagrantfile-master-vbox \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-master-vbox b/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-master-vbox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c27f2f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-master-vbox
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Vagrantfile to install OpenGnsys virtual environment (development version) using VirtualBox provider.
+# VM provider: Oracle VM VirtualBox.
+# OGAgent version.
+# Language (accepted values: es_ES, ca_ES, en_GB).
+# Number of OpenGnsys clients (accepted values: from 2 to 9).
+# Repository virtual disk: file and size (GB).
+REPODISK = "ogRepo.vdi"
+# Amount of memory for server and clients (MB)
+SERVERMEM = 1024 # Minimum: 512
+CLIENTMEM = 512 # Minimum: 256
+# Prefixes for MAC and IP addresses.
+MACPREFIX = "08:00:27:0E:65"
+NETPREFIX = "192.168.2"
+# OpenGnsys Server IP address.
+# Local port to access OpenGnsys Server.
+# OpenGnsys Server provisioning script: prepare repo disk, install OpenGnsys, change default interface, configure DHCP server.
+# Exit if OpenGnsys is installed.
+[ -f /opt/opengnsys/doc/VERSION.json ] && echo "Cannot provision, OpenGnsys is already installed." && exit 1
+# Create repository disk using LVM, if necesary.
+if [ -z "$(blkid /dev/mapper/og-images | grep ext4)" ]; then
+ pvcreate /dev/sdb
+ vgcreate og /dev/sdb
+ vgchange -ay
+ lvcreate -ay -n images -l 100%VG og
+ mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/og-images
+ mkdir -p /opt/opengnsys/images
+ echo "/dev/mapper/og-images /opt/opengnsys/images ext4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
+ mount -a
+# Install OpenGnsys and change server address.
+if which curl &>/dev/null; then
+ DOWNLOAD="curl -s"
+elif which wget &>/dev/null; then
+ DOWNLOAD="wget -q -O -"
+$DOWNLOAD "$BRANCH/installer/" | bash || exit $?
+mv /opt/opengnsys/log/bash.log /opt/opengnsys/log/opengnsys_installer.log
+echo y | /opt/opengnsys/bin/setserveraddr $(ip -o link show | tail -1 | cut -d: -f2)
+# Insert DHCP data.
+for ((i=#{NCLIENTS+10}; i>10; i--)); do
+ sed -i "/^}$/ i host pc${i} { hardware ethernet #{MACPREFIX}:${i}; fixed-address #{NETPREFIX}.${i}; }" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+service isc-dhcp-server restart
+# Set language.
+export LANG="#{LANGUAGE}.UTF-8"
+echo "LANG=\\\"$LANG\\\"" > /etc/default/locale
+echo "LANG=\\\"$LANG\\\"" >> /etc/environment
+locale-gen --lang #{LANGUAGE}
+sed -i "s/XKBLAYOUT=.*/XKBLAYOUT=\\\"${LANG%_*}\\\"/" /etc/default/keyboard
+dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive console-setup
+# Comment out next lines for automatic data insertion.
+#SQL="INSERT INTO aulas (nombreaula, idcentro, urlfoto, grupoid, ubicacion, puestos, modomul, ipmul, pormul, velmul, router, netmask, ntp, dns, proxy, modp2p, timep2p) VALUES ('Aula virtual', 1, 'aula.jpg', 0, 'Despliegue virtual con Vagrant.', 5, 2, '', 9000, 70, '#{NETPREFIX}.1', '', '', '', '', 'peer', 30); INSERT INTO ordenadores (nombreordenador, ip, mac, idaula, idrepositorio, idperfilhard, idmenu, idproautoexec, grupoid, router, mascara, arranque, netiface, netdriver, fotoord) VALUES"
+#for ((i=11; i<=#{NCLIENTS+10}; i++)); do
+# SQL="$SQL ('pc$i', '#{NETPREFIX}.$i', REPLACE('#{MACPREFIX}$i',':',''), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '#{NETPREFIX}.1', '', '00unknown', 'eth0', 'generic', 'fotoordenador.gif'),"
+#mysql -u usuog -ppassusuog -D ogAdmBD -e "${SQL%,}"
+#/opt/opengnsys/bin/setclientmode ogLiveAdmin pc11 PERM
+#for ((i=12; i<=#{NCLIENTS+10}; i++)); do
+# /opt/opengnsys/bin/setclientmode ogLive pc$i PERM
+echo "Notes:"
+echo "- OpenGnsys Server URL: https://localhost:#{LOCALWEBPORT}/opengnsys/"
+exit 0
+# Client 1 OS provisioning script.
+# Comment out next lines to install and configure OGAgent for Ubuntu.
+#apt-get update -y
+#apt-get install -y curl
+#curl -ks https://#{SERVERIP}/opengnsys/descargas/$OGAGENTPKG -o /tmp/$OGAGENTPKG
+#if [ -f /tmp/$OGAGENTPKG ]; then
+# apt-get install -y /tmp/$OGAGENTPKG || exit $?
+# sed -i "0,/remote=/ s,remote=.*,remote=https://#{SERVERIP}/opengnsys/rest/," /usr/share/OGAgent/cfg/ogagent.cfg
+# rm -f /tmp/$OGAGENTPKG
+# echo "Warning: cannot install OGAgent package $OGAGENTPKG"
+# Remove network configuration added by Vagrant.
+sed -i "/enp0s3/ d" /etc/network/interfaces
+echo "Notes:"
+echo "- After now, use VirtualBox GUI to disable network interface 1 and restart this VM."
+# Leave VM halted.
+sleep 2
+poweroff &
+Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
+ # OpenGnsys Server VM definition.
+ config.vm.define "ogAdministrator", primary: true do |og|
+ # Specific VirtualBox configuration.
+ og.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
+ # VM name, memory and CPUs.
+ = "ogAdministrator"
+ vb.memory = SERVERMEM
+ vb.cpus = 1
+ # 2nd virtual disk path (current dir on Windows, VM dir on other OSes)
+ if then
+ second_disk = File.join(".", REPODISK)
+ else
+ line = `VBoxManage list systemproperties`.match("Default machine folder.*")[0]
+ vb_machine_folder = line.split(':')[1].strip()
+ second_disk = File.join(vb_machine_folder,, REPODISK)
+ end
+ # Create repo virtual disk, if needed.
+ unless File.exist?(second_disk)
+ vb.customize ['createhd', '--filename', second_disk, '--size', REPOSIZE * 1024]
+ end
+ # Attach repo virtual disk.
+ vb.customize ['storageattach', :id, '--storagectl', 'SATA Controller', '--port', 1, '--device', 0, '--type', 'hdd', '--medium', second_disk]
+ end
+ # VM base and host name.
+ = "bento/ubuntu-18.04"
+ og.vm.hostname = "ogAdministrator"
+ # Network configuration: forward web port and attach new interface to VMs private network.
+ "forwarded_port", guest: 443, host: LOCALWEBPORT, host_ip: ""
+ "private_network", mac: "#{MACPREFIX}10".tr(":",""), ip: "#{SERVERIP}", virtualbox__intnet: true
+ # Comment out to disable synced folder.
+ #og.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
+ # Launch provisioning script.
+ og.vm.provision "shell", inline: OGSERVERSCRIPT
+ end
+ # Client 1 VM definition.
+ config.vm.define "pc11", autostart: false do |v1|
+ = "bento/ubuntu-18.04"
+ v1.vm.hostname = "pc11"
+ "private_network", mac: "#{MACPREFIX}11".tr(":",""), type: "dhcp", virtualbox__intnet: true
+ v1.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
+ = "pc11"
+ vb.memory = CLIENTMEM
+ vb.cpus = 1
+ vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--boot1', 'net', '--boot2', 'disk']
+ end
+ v1.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
+ v1.vm.provision "shell", inline: MODELSCRIPT
+ end
+ # Clonable clients definition.
+ (2..NCLIENTS).each do |i|
+ config.vm.define "pc#{i+10}", autostart: false do |cl|
+ = "clink15/pxe"
+ cl.ssh.insert_key = false
+ cl.vm.boot_timeout = 5
+ "private_network", mac: "#{MACPREFIX}#{i+10}".tr(":",""), type: "dhcp", virtualbox__intnet: true
+ cl.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
+ = "pc#{i+10}"
+ vb.memory = CLIENTMEM
+ vb.cpus = 1
+ vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--boot1', 'net', '--boot2', 'disk']
+ vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nic1", "none"]
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-prod-vbox b/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-prod-vbox
index f14479e7..8fc7a825 120000
--- a/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-prod-vbox
+++ b/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-prod-vbox
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Vagrantfile-1.1.1-vbox \ No newline at end of file
+Vagrantfile-1.1.1a-vbox \ No newline at end of file