diff options
authorRamón M. Gómez <>2019-09-23 10:36:36 +0200
committerRamón M. Gómez <>2019-09-23 10:36:36 +0200
commit918688e6c72bf5b857a1b84a1a93d4ee168e056e (patch)
parent8c64d10a7ea57879173b96127224ec8c70b3ad53 (diff)
#919: How to use new URLs in menus.
2 files changed, 6 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/admin/WebConsole/menus/examplemenu.php b/admin/WebConsole/menus/examplemenu.php
index b04b3dd0..0738c797 100644
--- a/admin/WebConsole/menus/examplemenu.php
+++ b/admin/WebConsole/menus/examplemenu.php
@@ -58,19 +58,14 @@
<dl class="windows">
<dt><a href="command:bootOs 1 1" title="Init session Windows, accesskey: 1" accesskey="1">Init session Windows.</a></dt>
<dd>Normal boot Windows without changes.</dd>
- <dt><a href="commandwithconfirmation:restoreImage REPO windows 1 1" title="Format the disk and install the Windows operating system, accesskey: 2" accesskey="2">Install Windows.</a></dt>
+ <dt><a href="command+confirm:restoreImage REPO windows 1 1" title="Format the disk and install the Windows operating system, accesskey: 2" accesskey="2">Install Windows.</a></dt>
<dd>The installation process takes a few minutes.</dd>
- <!-- dl class="windows">
- <dt><a href="commandwithconfirmation:/opt/opengnsys/interfaceAdm/RestaurarImagenBasica 1 1 WINXPRD2 0000 0" title="Restore Windows Image, accesskey: 2" accesskey="2">Restore Windows Image.</a></dt>
- <dd>Restore Windows Image using synchronization.</dd>
- </dl -->
<dl class="linux">
- <dt><a href="command:bootOs 1 2" title="Init session GNU/Linux, accesskey: 3" accesskey="3">Init session GNU/Linux.</a></dt>
+ <dt><a href="command+output:bootOs 1 2" title="Init session GNU/Linux, accesskey: 3" accesskey="3">Init session GNU/Linux.</a></dt>
<dd>Normal boot <acronym title="GNU's not Unix">GNU</acronym>/Linux without changes.</dd>
- <dt><a href="commandwithconfirmation:restoreImage REPO linux 1 2" title="Format the disk and install the GNU/Linux operating system GNU/Linux, accesskey: 4" accesskey="4">Install GNU/Linux.</a></dt>
+ <dt><a href="command+output+confirm:restoreImage REPO linux 1 2" title="Format the disk and install the GNU/Linux operating system GNU/Linux, accesskey: 4" accesskey="4">Install GNU/Linux.</a></dt>
<dd>The installation process takes a few minutes.</dd>
diff --git a/admin/WebConsole/menus/menuejemplo.php b/admin/WebConsole/menus/menuejemplo.php
index b3fcd175..7ceead9e 100644
--- a/admin/WebConsole/menus/menuejemplo.php
+++ b/admin/WebConsole/menus/menuejemplo.php
@@ -58,20 +58,15 @@
<dl class="windows">
<dt><a href="command:bootOs 1 1" title="Iniciar sesi&oacute;n de Windows, accesskey: 1" accesskey="1">[1] Arrancar Windows.</a></dt>
<dd>Arranque normal de Windows sin modificaciones.</dd>
- <dt><a href="commandwithconfirmation:restoreImage REPO windows 1 1" title="Formatear el disco e instalar el sistema operativo Windows, accesskey: 2" accesskey="2">[2] Instalar Windows. </a></dt>
+ <dt><a href="command+confirm:restoreImage REPO windows 1 1" title="Formatear el disco e instalar el sistema operativo Windows, accesskey: 2" accesskey="2">[2] Instalar Windows. </a></dt>
<dd>El proceso de instalaci&oacute;n tardar&aacute; unos minutos.</dd>
- <!-- dl class="windows">
- <dt><a href="commandwithconfirmation:/opt/opengnsys/interfaceAdm/RestaurarImagenBasica 1 1 WINXPRD2 0000 0" title="Sincronizar imagen de Windows, accesskey: 2" accesskey="2">Sincronizar Imagen Window.</a></dt>
- <dd>Restaurar Imagen Windows con sincronizaci&oacute;n.</dd>
- </dl -->
<dl class="linux">
- <dt><a href="command:bootOs 1 2" title="Iniciar sesi&oacute;n de Ubuntu 12, accesskey: 3" accesskey="3">[3] Arrancar GNU/Linux. </a></dt>
+ <dt><a href="command+output:bootOs 1 2" title="Iniciar sesi&oacute;n de Ubuntu 12, accesskey: 3" accesskey="3">[3] Arrancar GNU/Linux. </a></dt>
<dd>Arranque normal de <acronym title="GNU's not Unix">GNU</acronym>/Linux sin modificaciones.</dd>
- <dt><a href="commandwithconfirmation:restoreImage REPO linux 1 2" title="Formatear el disco e instalar el sistema operativo GNU/Linux, accesskey: 4" accesskey="4">[4] Instalar GNU/Linux. </a></dt>
+ <dt><a href="command+output+confirm:restoreImage REPO linux 1 2" title="Formatear el disco e instalar el sistema operativo GNU/Linux, accesskey: 4" accesskey="4">[4] Instalar GNU/Linux. </a></dt>
<dd>El proceso de instalaci&oacute;n tardar&aacute; unos minutos.</dd>