diff options
authordevega <>2019-05-24 15:04:18 +0200
committerdevega <>2019-05-24 15:04:18 +0200
commit63fa47a1eec0ed52f8f93e78d17245631c23e8a8 (patch)
parent9709c56f87eb2bd2831b1967ca24f23988d4565d (diff)
parent9d70a3d4ee6af7137932a6cd10b2afe4d2c24754 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/webconsole3' into webconsole3
20 files changed, 142 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/linux/debian/changelog b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/linux/debian/changelog
index 176cac0d..5bfa54df 100644
--- a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/linux/debian/changelog
+++ b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/linux/debian/changelog
@@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
+ogagent-oglive (3.0.0-20190520) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * OGAgent for ogLive compatible with OpenGnsys 3 web API
+ -- Ramón M. Gómez <> Mon, 18 Jun 2018 13:00:00 +0200
ogagent (1.1.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * OGAgent code retrieved from GitHub
+ * Set connection timeout
+ * Compatibility with "Exam Mode" from the University of Seville
+ -- Ramón M. Gómez <> Thu, 23 May 2019 13:00:00 +0200
+ogagent (1.1.0a) stable; urgency=medium
+ * Fix a bug when activating the agent with some network devices
- -- Ramón M. Gómez <> Sun, 3 Jun 2018 13:00:00 +0200
+ -- Ramón M. Gómez <> Wed, 22 May 2019 18:00:00 +0200
ogagent (1.1.0) stable; urgency=medium
diff --git a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/oglive/Makefile b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/oglive/Makefile
index 84e06107..707bc67c 100644
--- a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/oglive/Makefile
+++ b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/oglive/Makefile
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ install-ogagent:
mkdir -p $(SBINDIR)
mkdir -p $(APPSDIR)
mkdir -p $(CFGDIR)
mkdir $(LIBDIR)/img
# Cleans up .pyc and cache folders
rm -f $(PYC) $(CACHES)
cp -r $(SOURCEDIR)/opengnsys $(LIBDIR)/opengnsys
cp -r $(SOURCEDIR)/cfg $(LIBDIR)/cfg
ln -fs $(LIBDIR)/cfg/ogagent.cfg $(CFGDIR)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ install-ogagent:
cp scripts/ogagent $(BINDIR)
chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/ogagent
rm -rf $(LIBDIR)
rm -f $(BINDIR)/ogagent
diff --git a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/oglive/debian/changelog b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/oglive/debian/changelog
index 57a05aba..43bde3d4 100644
--- a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/oglive/debian/changelog
+++ b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/oglive/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+ogagent-oglive (3.0.0-20190520) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * OGAgent for ogLive compatible with OpenGnsys 3 web API
+ -- Ramón M. Gómez <> Mon, 18 Jun 2018 13:00:00 +0200
ogagent-oglive (1.1.1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Initial release.
diff --git a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/OGAgent.manifest b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/OGAgent.manifest
index 6f202f5a..307101fc 100644
--- a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/OGAgent.manifest
+++ b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/OGAgent.manifest
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
- name="UDSActorService"
- version=""
+ name="OGAgentService"
+ version=""
diff --git a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/VERSION b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/VERSION
index 524cb552..4a36342f 100644
--- a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/VERSION
+++ b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/VERSION
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/opengnsys/modules/server/OpenGnSys/ b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/opengnsys/modules/server/OpenGnSys/
index ab31fb39..223875af 100644
--- a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/opengnsys/modules/server/OpenGnSys/
+++ b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/opengnsys/modules/server/OpenGnSys/
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class OpenGnSysWorker(ServerWorker):
name = 'opengnsys'
interface = None # Bound interface for OpenGnsys
REST = None # REST object
- loggedin = False # User session flag
+ logged_in = False # User session flag
browser = {} # Browser info
commands = [] # Running commands
random = None # Random string for secure connections
@@ -160,8 +160,7 @@ class OpenGnSysWorker(ServerWorker):
route = route[len(self.REST.endpoint):]
# Send back exit status and outputs (base64-encoded)
self.REST.sendMessage(route, {'mac': self.interface.mac, 'ip': self.interface.ip, 'trace': op_id,
- 'status': stat, 'output': out.encode('utf8').encode('base64'),
- 'error': err.encode('utf8').encode('base64')})
+ 'status': stat, 'output': out.encode('base64'), 'error': err.encode('base64')})
# Show latest menu, if OGAgent runs on ogLive
if os_type == 'oglive':
# Send configuration data, if needed
@@ -174,6 +173,9 @@ class OpenGnSysWorker(ServerWorker):
Sends OGAgent activation notification to OpenGnsys server
+ t = 0
+ # Generate random secret to send on activation
+ self.random = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(self.length))
# Ensure cfg has required configuration variables or an exception will be thrown
url = self.service.config.get('opengnsys', 'remote')
server_client = self.service.config.get('opengnsys', 'client')
@@ -201,55 +203,72 @@ class OpenGnSysWorker(ServerWorker):
# Raise error after timeout
if not self.interface:
raise e
- # Delete marking files
- for f in ['', 'ogboot.firstboot', 'ogboot.secondboot']:
- try:
- os.remove(os.sep + f)
- except OSError:
- pass
- # Copy file "HostsFile.FirstOctetOfIPAddress" to "HostsFile", if it exists
- # (used in "exam mode" from the University of Seville)
- hosts_file = os.path.join(operations.get_etc_path(), 'hosts')
- new_file = hosts_file + '.' + self.interface.ip.split('.')[0]
- if os.path.isfile(new_file):
- shutil.copy2(new_file, hosts_file)
- # Generate random secret to send on activation
- self.random = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(self.length))
# Compose login route
login_route = 'oauth/v2/token?client_id=' + server_client + '&client_secret=' + server_secret + \
'&grant_type=' + self.grant_type + '&ip=' + self.interface.ip + '&mac=' + self.interface.mac + \
'&token=' + self.random
# Send initialization login message
response = None
- try:
+ # Loop to send initialization message
+ for t in range(0, 100):
- # New web compatibility.
- response = self.REST.sendMessage(login_route)
+ try:
+ # New web compatibility.
+ self.REST = REST(self.service.config.get('opengnsys', 'remote'))
+ response = self.REST.sendMessage(login_route)
+ break
+ except:
+ # Trying to initialize on alternative server, if defined
+ # (used in "exam mode" from the University of Seville)
+ self.REST = REST(self.service.config.get('opengnsys', 'altremote'))
+ response = self.REST.sendMessage(login_route)
+ break
- # Trying to initialize on alternative server, if defined
- # (used in "exam mode" from the University of Seville)
- self.REST = REST(self.service.config.get('opengnsys', 'altremote'))
- response = self.REST.sendMessage(login_route)
- except:
- raise Exception('Initialization error: Cannot connect to the server')
- finally:
- if response['access_token'] is None:
- raise Exception('Initialization error: Cannot obtain access token')
+ time.sleep(3)
+ # Raise error after timeout or authentication failure
+ if 0 < t < 100:
+ logger.debug('Successful connection after {} tries'.format(t))
+ elif t == 100:
+ raise Exception('Initialization error: Cannot connect to remote server')
+ if response['access_token'] is None:
+ raise Exception('Initialization error: Cannot obtain access token')
+ # Read access tokens
self.access_token = response['access_token']
self.refresh_token = response['refresh_token']
# Once authenticated with the server, change the API URL for private request
self.REST = REST(url + 'api/private')
# Set authorization tokens in the REST object, so in each request this token will be used
self.REST.set_authorization_headers(self.access_token, self.refresh_token)
- # Completing ogLive initialization process
+ # Completing OGAgent initialization process
os_type = operations.os_type.lower()
if os_type == 'oglive':
# Create HTML file (TEMPORARY)
message = """
+ #barra { width: 20px; height: 10px; position: relative; background: darkslategrey; }
-<h1 style="margin: 5em; font-size: xx-large;">OpenGnsys 3</h1>
+<h1 style="margin: 5em 0 0 5em; font-size: 250%; color: darkslategrey;">
+ <span id="opengnsys"><span style="font-weight: lighter;">Open</span>Gnsys 3</div>
+ <div id="barra"></span>
+ var elem = document.getElementById("barra");
+ var max = document.getElementById("opengnsys").offsetWidth;
+ var pos = 0;
+ var inc = true;
+ var id = setInterval(frame, 5);
+ function frame() {
+ if (inc) {
+ if (pos == max - 20) { inc = false; } else { pos++; }
+ } else {
+ if (pos == 0) { inc = true; } else { pos--; }
+ }
+ = pos + 'px';
+ }
f = open('/tmp/init.html', 'w')
@@ -266,6 +285,19 @@ class OpenGnSysWorker(ServerWorker):
# menu_url = self.REST.sendMessage('menus?mac' + self.interface.mac + '&ip=' + self.interface.ip)
menu_url = '/opt/opengnsys/log/' + self.interface.ip + '.info.html' # TEMPORARY menu
+ else:
+ # Delete marking files
+ for f in ['', 'ogboot.firstboot', 'ogboot.secondboot']:
+ try:
+ os.remove(os.sep + f)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ # Copy file "HostsFile.FirstOctetOfIPAddress" to "HostsFile", if it exists
+ # (used in "exam mode" from the University of Seville)
+ hosts_file = os.path.join(operations.get_etc_path(), 'hosts')
+ new_file = hosts_file + '.' + self.interface.ip.split('.')[0]
+ if os.path.isfile(new_file):
+ shutil.copy2(new_file, hosts_file)
# Return status message
self.REST.sendMessage('clients/statuses', {'mac': self.interface.mac, 'ip': self.interface.ip,
'status': os_type})
@@ -288,7 +320,7 @@ class OpenGnSysWorker(ServerWorker):
user, sep, language = data.partition(',')
logger.debug('Received login for {} with language {}'.format(user, language))
- self.loggedin = True
+ self.logged_in = True
self.REST.sendMessage('ogagent/loggedin', {'ip': self.interface.ip, 'user': user, 'language': language,
'ostype': operations.os_type, 'osversion': operations.os_version})
@@ -297,7 +329,7 @@ class OpenGnSysWorker(ServerWorker):
Sends session logout notification to OpenGnsys server
logger.debug('Received logout for {}'.format(user))
- self.loggedin = False
+ self.logged_in = False
self.REST.sendMessage('ogagent/loggedout', {'ip': self.interface.ip, 'user': user})
def process_ogclient(self, path, get_params, post_params, server):
@@ -330,14 +362,14 @@ class OpenGnSysWorker(ServerWorker):
def process_status(self, path, get_params, post_params, server):
- Returns client status (OS type or execution status) and login status.
+ Returns client status (OS type or execution status) and login status
:param path:
:param get_params:
:param post_params:
:param server:
:return: JSON object {"status": "status_code", "loggedin": boolean}
- res = {'loggedin': self.loggedin}
+ res = {'loggedin': self.logged_in}
res['status'] = operations.os_type.lower()
except KeyError:
@@ -350,7 +382,7 @@ class OpenGnSysWorker(ServerWorker):
def process_reboot(self, path, get_params, post_params, server):
- Launches a system reboot operation.
+ Launches a system reboot operation
:param path:
:param get_params:
:param post_params:
@@ -369,7 +401,7 @@ class OpenGnSysWorker(ServerWorker):
def process_poweroff(self, path, get_params, post_params, server):
- Launches a system power off operation.
+ Launches a system power off operation
:param path:
:param get_params:
:param post_params:
@@ -423,20 +455,20 @@ class OpenGnSysWorker(ServerWorker):
def process_logoff(self, path, get_params, post_params, server):
- Closes user session.
+ Closes user session
logger.debug('Received logoff operation')
- # Send log off message to OGAgent client.
+ # Send log off message to OGAgent client
self.sendClientMessage('logoff', {})
return {'op': 'sent to client'}
def process_popup(self, path, get_params, post_params, server):
- Shows a message popup on the user's session.
+ Shows a message popup on the user's session
logger.debug('Received message operation')
- # Send popup message to OGAgent client.
+ # Send popup message to OGAgent client
self.sendClientMessage('popup', post_params)
return {'op': 'launched'}
diff --git a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/opengnsys/oglive/ b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/opengnsys/oglive/
index 3cdeef09..9ec907c1 100644
--- a/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/opengnsys/oglive/
+++ b/admin/Sources/Clients/ogagent/src/opengnsys/oglive/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import subprocess
import struct
import array
import six
+import chardet
from opengnsys import utils
@@ -209,7 +210,8 @@ def exec_command(cmd):
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
stat = proc.returncode
- return stat, out, err
+ return stat, out.decode(chardet.detect(out)['encoding']).encode('utf8'),\
+ err.decode(chardet.detect(err)['encoding']).encode('utf8')
def get_hardware():
diff --git a/admin/WebConsole3/backend/app/doc/engine.json b/admin/WebConsole3/backend/app/doc/engine.json
index dee603c5..2820f22b 100644
--- a/admin/WebConsole3/backend/app/doc/engine.json
+++ b/admin/WebConsole3/backend/app/doc/engine.json
@@ -523,6 +523,10 @@
"name": "initializing"
+ "id": "oglive",
+ "name": "oglive"
+ },
+ {
"id": "busy",
"name": "busy"
@@ -547,4 +551,4 @@
"name": "windows_session"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/admin/WebConsole3/frontend/src/environments/environment.ts b/admin/WebConsole3/frontend/src/environments/environment.ts
index ef17e26d..3ba05adc 100644
--- a/admin/WebConsole3/frontend/src/environments/environment.ts
+++ b/admin/WebConsole3/frontend/src/environments/environment.ts
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ export const environment = {
'HISTORY_LOG': '/cgi-bin/',
'REALTIME_LOG': '/cgi-bin/',
'SOFTWARE_INVENTORY': '/opt/opengnsys/interfaceAdm/InventarioSoftware',
- 'REBOOT': 'reboot 1 &',
- 'POWER_OFF': 'poweroff &',
+ 'REBOOT': 'reboot 1',
+ 'POWER_OFF': 'poweroff',
'HARDWARE_INVENTORY': '/opt/opengnsys/interfaceAdm/InventarioHardware',
'REFRESH_INFO': 'sendConfigToServer'
diff --git a/client/boot-tools/boottoolsfunctions.lib b/client/boot-tools/boottoolsfunctions.lib
index 7f7bbb38..da9cca2c 100755
--- a/client/boot-tools/boottoolsfunctions.lib
+++ b/client/boot-tools/boottoolsfunctions.lib
@@ -126,7 +126,14 @@ case "${1,,}" in
bionic-4.18) # ogLive 1.1.1-rc3 basado en Ubuntu 18.04 y Kernel 4.18.
- OSRELEASE="4.18.0-17-generic"
+ OSRELEASE="4.18.0-20-generic"
+ OSARCH="amd64"
+ ;;
+ bionic-5.0) # ogLive 1.1.1-rc4 basado en Ubuntu 18.04 y Kernel 5.0.
+ OSDISTRIB="ubuntu"
+ OSCODENAME="bionic"
+ OSRELEASE="5.0.0-15-generic"
diff --git a/client/boot-tools/includes/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/VERSION.txt b/client/boot-tools/includes/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/VERSION.txt
index bc92b96f..2c8efadf 100644
--- a/client/boot-tools/includes/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/VERSION.txt
+++ b/client/boot-tools/includes/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/VERSION.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-OpenGnsys Client 1.1.1-rc3
+OpenGnsys Client 1.1.1-rc4
diff --git a/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/ b/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/
index 9a9fb764..32a9c733 100755
--- a/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/
+++ b/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/
@@ -19,26 +19,6 @@ which ms-sys || ms-sys install &>/dev/null
echo "spartlnx"
which || $(wget &>/dev/null; unzip -o -d /sbin/)
-# Mach-O loader for Linux
-#echo "maloader"
-#apt-get install -y uuid-dev lib64z1 lib32z1
-#cd maloader-master
-#perl -pi -le 'print "#include <unistd.h>" if $. == 45'
-#if [ "$(arch)" == "x86_64" ]; then
-# ln -fs /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/ 2>/dev/null
-# make release
-# ln -fs /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/ 2>/dev/null
-# make clean
-# make all BITS=32
-#cp -va ld-mac /usr/bin
-#cp -va /usr/lib
-#cd ..
-#rm -fr maloader-master
diff --git a/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.basic b/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.basic
index 31f2b559..73e1c2b9 100644
--- a/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.basic
+++ b/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.basic
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ install man-db
install fbset
install gdebi-core
install bash-static
-install busybox-static
+install busybox-static
install console-data
install locales
install lshw
diff --git a/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.cloning b/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.cloning
index 0092bd29..3e6a7666 100644
--- a/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.cloning
+++ b/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.cloning
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ install pxe-kexec
install mbuffer
install parted
install gdisk
-install chntpw
+install chntpw
install clonezilla
install registry-tools
install reglookup
diff --git a/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.testing b/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.testing
index 13cd2665..eca18286 100644
--- a/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.testing
+++ b/client/boot-tools/includes/usr/bin/boot-tools/listpackages/sw.testing
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ install python-requests
install fusioninventory-agent
install nvme-cli
install disktype
-install laptop-detect
+install laptop-detect
#install discover
#install casper
#install lupin-casper
diff --git a/client/shared/etc/init/ b/client/shared/etc/init/
index 2fc3ede9..229278ea 100755
--- a/client/shared/etc/init/
+++ b/client/shared/etc/init/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ echo "${MSG_LAUNCHCLIENT:-.}"
[ -f /usr/local/etc/${LANG%_*}.qmap ] && export QWS_KEYBOARD="TTY:keymap=/usr/local/etc/${LANG%_*}.qmap"
source /scripts/client.cfg
+VERSION="3.0.0-20190520" # TEMPORAL
if [ -f "$OPENGNSYS/images/ogagent-oglive_${VERSION}_all.deb" -a "$ogstatus" != "offline" ]; then
# Instalar, configurar e iniciar agente.
dpkg -i "$OPENGNSYS/images/ogagent-oglive_${VERSION}_all.deb"
diff --git a/client/shared/etc/preinit/ b/client/shared/etc/preinit/
index b6fc7e2f..442c2920 100755
--- a/client/shared/etc/preinit/
+++ b/client/shared/etc/preinit/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if [ -n "$OPENGNSYS" ]; then
# Enlaces para Qt Embeded.
mkdir -p $QTDIR/{etc,lib,plugins}
- for i in $OGLIB/qtlib/*; do
+ for i in $OGLIB/qtlib/* $OGLIB/fonts; do
[ -f $QTDIR/lib/$i ] || ln -fs $i $QTDIR/lib 2>/dev/null
for i in $OGLIB/qtplugins/*; do
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index d40e0f7d..93ea6067 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -52,9 +52,11 @@ Tickets resueltos en módulo OpenGnsys Cloning Engine:
#851 Ampliar parámetros de una sesión multicast para los clientes (corrección)
#868 ConfiguraOs: error al desinstalar el agente de sistema operativo antiguo (corrección)
#871 Error al crear particiones lógicas en discos con sectores de 4 KB (corrección)
+#910 El control del éxito se verifica por la longitud de la cadena que retorna la función ogGetPath (corrección)
Tickets resueltos en módulo OpenGnsys Client:
#852 Apagado del cliente si tiempo de espera cambia de día (corrección)
+#913 OGAgent no conecta para algunas tarjetas de red con IP estática (corrección)
Tickets resueltos en módulo OpenGnsys Server:
#846 Configuración de logrotate para que incluya todos los servicios de OpenGnsys (corrección)
@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ Tickets resueltos en módulo OpenGnsys Web Admin Console:
#849 Incorporar ordenadores de dhcp no admite comentarios tras la declarción de un host (corrección)
#867 La ayuda en la consola incluirá más información
#870 Netboot avanzado no crea la plantilla de arranque si el equipo no tiene asignado un repositorio (corrección)
+#909 Formulario asistente updateCache no asigna el REPO asociado a la imagen (corrección)
Tickets resueltos en módulo OpenGnsys Installer:
#876 Problemas al actualizar desde Subversion a Git (corrección)
diff --git a/installer/ b/installer/
index ff2605d8..297da723 100755
--- a/installer/
+++ b/installer/
@@ -1076,7 +1076,10 @@ read -e APIID APISECRET <<< \
"$(php app/console doctrine:query:sql "SELECT random_id, secret FROM og_core__clients WHERE id=1;" | \
awk -F\" '$2~/^(random_id|secret)$/ {getline; printf("%s ", $2)}')"
- "$(php app/console opengnsys:oauth-server:client:create --no-ansi | \
+ "$(php app/console opengnsys:oauth-server:client:create --no-ansi \
+ --grant-type="password" --grant-type="refresh_token" \
+ --grant-type="token" \
+ --grant-type="" | \
awk 'BEGIN {RS=" "}
/^(id|secret)$/ {getline; gsub(/,/, ""); printf("%s ", $0)}')"
[ -f $jsonfile ] || echo "{}" > $jsonfile
diff --git a/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-webconsole3-vbox b/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-webconsole3-vbox
index 6cf4f037..3f305c95 100644
--- a/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-webconsole3-vbox
+++ b/installer/vagrant/Vagrantfile-webconsole3-vbox
@@ -61,18 +61,22 @@ REQ=$(curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/j
REPOID=$(echo $REQ | jq -r .id)
REQ=$(curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Aula virtual", "description":"Despliegue virtual con Vagrant.", "networkSettings":{"mcastMode":"full-duplex", "mcastIp":"", "mcastPort":9000, "mcastPort":9000, "mcastSpeed":100, "netmask":"#{NETPREFIX}.0", "router":"#{NETPREFIX}.1", "p2pMode":"peer", "p2pTime":60} }' https://localhost/opengnsys3/backend/web/app_dev.php/api/private/organizationalunits)
OUID=$(echo $REQ | jq -r .id)
for ((i=11; i<=10+#{NCLIENTS}; i++)); do
- sed -i "/^}$/ i host pc${i} { hardware ethernet #{MACPREFIX}:${i}; fixed-address #{NETPREFIX}.${i}; }" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+ sed -i "/^}$/ i host pc${i} { hardware ethernet ${MACPREFIX}:${i}; fixed-address #{NETPREFIX}.${i}; }" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
[ $i == 11 ] && BOOTID=5 || BOOTID=6
REQ=$(curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"pc'$i'", "ip":"#{NETPREFIX}.'$i'", "mac":"#{MACPREFIX}:'$i'", "serialno":"", "netiface":"eth0", "netdriver":"generic", "netboot":'"$BOOTID"', "organizationalUnit":'"$OUID"', "repository":'"$REPOID"'}' https://localhost/opengnsys3/backend/web/app_dev.php/api/private/clients)
+ sed -i "s/ISODIR=$/ISODIR=ogLive/; s/::1/#{SERVERIP}/g; s/#{NETPREFIX}.0/" /opt/opengnsys/tftpboot/menu.lst/01-$(echo "${MACPREFIX^^}:${i}" | tr ":" "-")
systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server
+sed -i "/\\[global\\]/a \\ \\ ntlm auth = ntlmv1-permitted" /etc/samba/smb.conf
+systemctl restart smbd
#/opt/opengnsys/bin/setclientmode ogLiveAdmin pc11 PERM
#for ((i=12; i<=#{NCLIENTS+10}; i++)); do
# /opt/opengnsys/bin/setclientmode ogLive pc$i PERM
-sed -i "s,\(url = 'https://\)[^/]*,\1localhost:#{LOCALWEBPORT}," /opt/opengnsys/www3/frontend/main.js
-sed -i "s,\(url = 'https://\)[^/]*,\1localhost:#{LOCALWEBPORT}," /opt/opengnsys/www3/frontend/
+sed -i "s,\\(url = 'https://\\)[^/]*,\\1localhost:#{LOCALWEBPORT}," /opt/opengnsys/www3/frontend/main.js
+sed -i "s,\\(url = 'https://\\)[^/]*,\\1localhost:#{LOCALWEBPORT}," /opt/opengnsys/www3/frontend/
echo "Notes:"
echo "- New OpenGnsys Server URL: https://localhost:#{LOCALWEBPORT}/opengnsys3/frontend/"
@@ -104,6 +108,9 @@ Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
# OpenGnsys AngularJS VM definition.
config.vm.define "ogAngular", primary: true do |ag|
+ # VM base and host name.
+ = "bento/ubuntu-18.04"
+ ag.vm.hostname = "ogAngular"
# Specific VirtualBox configuration.
ag.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
# VM name, memory and CPUs.
@@ -125,9 +132,6 @@ Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
# Attach repo virtual disk.
vb.customize ['storageattach', :id, '--storagectl', 'SATA Controller', '--port', 1, '--device', 0, '--type', 'hdd', '--medium', second_disk]
- # VM base and host name.
- = "bento/ubuntu-18.04"
- ag.vm.hostname = "ogAngular"
# Network settings. "forwarded_port", guest: 443, host: LOCALWEBPORT, host_ip: "" "private_network", mac: "#{MACPREFIX}10".tr(":",""), ip: "#{SERVERIP}", virtualbox__intnet: true