$ips, OG_REST_PARAM_RUN => $command, OG_REST_PARAM_ECHO => true); $command = OG_REST_CMD_RUN; break; default: case 2: $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips); $command = OG_REST_CMD_OUTPUT; break; case 3: $decoded_cmds = rawurldecode(substr($command, 4)); $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips, OG_REST_PARAM_RUN => $decoded_cmds, OG_REST_PARAM_ECHO => false); $command = OG_REST_CMD_RUN; break; case 4: $decoded_cmds = rawurldecode(substr($command, 4)); $command = substr($decoded_cmds, 0, -1); $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips, OG_REST_PARAM_RUN => $command, OG_REST_PARAM_ECHO => false); $command = OG_REST_CMD_RUN; } $result = common_request($command, POST, $data)[OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS][0]['output']; return (is_null($result) ? '1' : $result); } function clients($case, $ips) { switch ($case) { case 1: $type = POST; $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips); break; case 2: $type = GET; $data = null; break; } $result = common_request(OG_REST_CMD_CLIENTS, $type, $data); $trama_notificacion = ""; if (isset($result[OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS])) { foreach ($result[OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS] as $client) { $trama_notificacion .= $client[OG_REST_PARAM_ADDR].'/'. $client[OG_REST_PARAM_STATE].';'; } } return $trama_notificacion; } function wol($type_wol, $ips) { switch ($type_wol) { default: case 1: $wol = 'broadcast'; break; case 2: $wol = 'unicast'; } $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_TYPE => $wol, OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_WOL, POST, $data); } function session($string_ips, $params) { preg_match_all('!\d{1}!', $params, $matches); $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $disk = $matches[0][0]; $part = $matches[0][1]; $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips, OG_REST_PARAM_DISK => $disk, OG_REST_PARAM_PART => $part); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_SESSION, POST, $data); } function set_mode($ip, $mode) { $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => array($ip), OG_REST_PARAM_MODE => $mode); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_MODE, POST, $data); } function create_image($string_ips, $params) { preg_match_all('/(?<=\=)(.*?)(?=\r)/', $params, $matches); $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $disk = $matches[0][0]; $part = $matches[0][1]; $code = $matches[0][2]; $id = $matches[0][3]; $name = $matches[0][4]; $repos = $matches[0][5]; $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips, OG_REST_PARAM_DISK => $disk, OG_REST_PARAM_PART => $part, OG_REST_PARAM_CODE => $code, OG_REST_PARAM_ID => $id, OG_REST_PARAM_NAME => $name, OG_REST_PARAM_REPOS => $repos); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_CREATE_IMAGE, POST, $data); } function restore_image($string_ips, $params) { preg_match_all('/(?<=\=)(.*?)(?=\r)/', $params, $matches); $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $disk = $matches[0][0]; $part = $matches[0][1]; $image_id = $matches[0][2]; $name = $matches[0][3]; $repos = $matches[0][4]; $profile = $matches[0][5]; $type = $matches[0][6]; $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_DISK => $disk, OG_REST_PARAM_PART => $part, OG_REST_PARAM_ID => $image_id, OG_REST_PARAM_NAME => $name, OG_REST_PARAM_REPOS => $repos, OG_REST_PARAM_PROFILE => $profile, OG_REST_PARAM_TYPE => $type, OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_RESTORE_IMAGE, POST, $data); } function create_basic_image($string_ips, $params) { preg_match_all('/(?<=\=)[^\r]*(?=\r)?/', $params, $matches); $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $disk = $matches[0][0]; $part = $matches[0][1]; $code = $matches[0][2]; $image_id = $matches[0][3]; $name = $matches[0][4]; $repos = $matches[0][5]; $sync = $matches[0][7]; // Syncronization method $diff = $matches[0][8]; // Send the whole file if there are differences $remove = $matches[0][9]; // Delete files at destination that are not at source $compress = $matches[0][10]; // Compress before sending $cleanup = $matches[0][11]; // Delete image before creating it $cache = $matches[0][12]; // Copy image to cache $cleanup_cache = $matches[0][13]; // Delete image from cache before copying $remove_dst = $matches[0][14]; // Dont delete files in destination $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips, OG_REST_PARAM_DISK => $disk, OG_REST_PARAM_PART => $part, OG_REST_PARAM_CODE => $code, OG_REST_PARAM_ID => $image_id, OG_REST_PARAM_NAME => $name, OG_REST_PARAM_REPOS => $repos, OG_REST_PARAM_SYNC_PARAMS => array( OG_REST_PARAM_SYNC => $sync, OG_REST_PARAM_DIFF => $diff, OG_REST_PARAM_REMOVE => $remove, OG_REST_PARAM_COMPRESS => $compress, OG_REST_PARAM_CLEANUP => $cleanup, OG_REST_PARAM_CACHE => $cache, OG_REST_PARAM_CLEANUP_CACHE => $cleanup_cache, OG_REST_PARAM_REMOVE_DST => $remove_dst, ) ); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_CREATE_BASIC_IMAGE, POST, $data); } function create_incremental_image($string_ips, $params) { preg_match_all('/(?<=\=)[^\r]*(?=\r)?/', $params, $matches); $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $disk = $matches[0][0]; $part = $matches[0][1]; $id = $matches[0][2]; $name = $matches[0][3]; $repos = $matches[0][4]; $diff_id = $matches[0][5]; $diff_name = $matches[0][6]; $path = $matches[0][7]; $sync = $matches[0][8]; $diff = $matches[0][9]; $remove = $matches[0][10]; $compress = $matches[0][11]; $cleanup = $matches[0][12]; $cache = $matches[0][13]; $cleanup_cache = $matches[0][14]; $remove_dst = $matches[0][15]; $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips, OG_REST_PARAM_DISK => $disk, OG_REST_PARAM_PART => $part, OG_REST_PARAM_ID => $id, OG_REST_PARAM_NAME => $name, OG_REST_PARAM_REPOS => $repos, OG_REST_PARAM_SYNC_PARAMS => array( OG_REST_PARAM_SYNC => $sync, OG_REST_PARAM_PATH => $path, OG_REST_PARAM_DIFF => $diff, OG_REST_PARAM_DIFF_ID => $diff_id, OG_REST_PARAM_DIFF_NAME => $diff_name, OG_REST_PARAM_REMOVE => $remove, OG_REST_PARAM_COMPRESS => $compress, OG_REST_PARAM_CLEANUP => $cleanup, OG_REST_PARAM_CACHE => $cache, OG_REST_PARAM_CLEANUP_CACHE => $cleanup_cache, OG_REST_PARAM_REMOVE_DST => $remove_dst) ); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_CREATE_INCREMENTAL_IMAGE, POST, $data); } function restore_basic_image($string_ips, $params) { preg_match_all('/(?<=\=)[^\r]*(?=\r)?/', $params, $matches); $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $disk = $matches[0][0]; $part = $matches[0][1]; $image_id = $matches[0][2]; $name = $matches[0][3]; $repos = $matches[0][4]; $profile = $matches[0][5]; $path = $matches[0][6]; $method = $matches[0][7]; $sync = $matches[0][8]; // Syncronization method $type = $matches[0][9]; $diff = $matches[0][10]; // Send the whole file if there are differences $remove = $matches[0][11]; // Delete files at destination that are not at source $compress = $matches[0][12]; // Compress before sending $cleanup = $matches[0][13]; // Delete image before creating it $cache = $matches[0][14]; // Copy image to cache $cleanup_cache = $matches[0][15]; // Delete image from cache before copying $remove_dst = $matches[0][16]; // Dont delete files in destination $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips, OG_REST_PARAM_DISK => $disk, OG_REST_PARAM_PART => $part, OG_REST_PARAM_ID => $image_id, OG_REST_PARAM_NAME => $name, OG_REST_PARAM_REPOS => $repos, OG_REST_PARAM_PROFILE => $profile, OG_REST_PARAM_TYPE => $type, OG_REST_PARAM_SYNC_PARAMS => array( OG_REST_PARAM_PATH => $path, OG_REST_PARAM_METHOD => $method, OG_REST_PARAM_SYNC => $sync, OG_REST_PARAM_DIFF => $diff, OG_REST_PARAM_REMOVE => $remove, OG_REST_PARAM_COMPRESS => $compress, OG_REST_PARAM_CLEANUP => $cleanup, OG_REST_PARAM_CACHE => $cache, OG_REST_PARAM_CLEANUP_CACHE => $cleanup_cache, OG_REST_PARAM_REMOVE_DST => $remove_dst, ) ); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_RESTORE_BASIC_IMAGE, POST, $data); } function restore_incremental_image($string_ips, $params) { preg_match_all('/(?<=\=)[^\r]*(?=\r)?/', $params, $matches); $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $disk = $matches[0][0]; $part = $matches[0][1]; $image_id = $matches[0][2]; $name = $matches[0][3]; $repos = $matches[0][4]; $profile = $matches[0][5]; $diff_id = $matches[0][6]; $diff_name = $matches[0][7]; $path = $matches[0][8]; $method = $matches[0][9]; $sync = $matches[0][10]; $type = $matches[0][11]; $diff = $matches[0][12]; $remove = $matches[0][13]; $compress = $matches[0][14]; $cleanup = $matches[0][15]; $cache = $matches[0][16]; $cleanup_cache = $matches[0][17]; $remove_dst = $matches[0][18]; $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips, OG_REST_PARAM_DISK => $disk, OG_REST_PARAM_PART => $part, OG_REST_PARAM_ID => $image_id, OG_REST_PARAM_NAME => $name, OG_REST_PARAM_REPOS => $repos, OG_REST_PARAM_PROFILE => $profile, OG_REST_PARAM_TYPE => $type, OG_REST_PARAM_SYNC_PARAMS => array( OG_REST_PARAM_DIFF_ID => $diff_id, OG_REST_PARAM_DIFF_NAME => $diff_name, OG_REST_PARAM_PATH => $path, OG_REST_PARAM_METHOD => $method, OG_REST_PARAM_SYNC => $sync, OG_REST_PARAM_DIFF => $diff, OG_REST_PARAM_REMOVE => $remove, OG_REST_PARAM_COMPRESS => $compress, OG_REST_PARAM_CLEANUP => $cleanup, OG_REST_PARAM_CACHE => $cache, OG_REST_PARAM_CLEANUP_CACHE => $cleanup_cache, OG_REST_PARAM_REMOVE_DST => $remove_dst, ) ); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_RESTORE_INCREMENTAL_IMAGE, POST, $data); } function poweroff($string_ips) { $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_POWEROFF, POST, $data); } function reboot($string_ips) { $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_REBOOT, POST, $data); } function stop($string_ips) { $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_STOP, POST, $data); } function refresh($string_ips) { $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_REFRESH, POST, $data); } function hardware($string_ips) { $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_HARDWARE, POST, $data); } function software($string_ips, $params) { preg_match_all('/(?<=\=)(.*?)(?=\r)/', $params, $matches); $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $disk = $matches[0][0]; $part = $matches[0][1]; $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips, OG_REST_PARAM_DISK => $disk, OG_REST_PARAM_PART => $part); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_SOFTWARE, POST, $data); } function setup($string_ips, $params) { preg_match_all('/(?<=\=)(?!dis)(.*?)((?=\*)|(?=\r)|(?=\!)|(?=\%))/', $params, $matches); $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $table_type= $matches[0][0]; $disk = $matches[0][1]; $cache = $matches[0][3]; $cache_size = $matches[0][4]; $partition_number = array(); $partition_code = array(); $file_system = array(); $part_size = array(); $format = array(); $num_partitions = (sizeof($matches[0]) - 5) / PART_MAX_NUM_FIELDS; for ($x = 0; $x < $num_partitions; $x++) { $partition_number[$x] = $matches[0][5 + 5 * $x]; $partition_code[$x] = $matches[0][6 + 5 * $x]; $file_system[$x] = $matches[0][7 + 5 * $x]; $part_size[$x] = $matches[0][8 + 5 * $x]; $format[$x] = $matches[0][9 + 5 * $x]; } $data = array( OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips, OG_REST_PARAM_TYPE => $table_type, OG_REST_PARAM_DISK => $disk, OG_REST_PARAM_CACHE => $cache, OG_REST_PARAM_CACHE_SIZE => $cache_size, OG_REST_PARAM_PARTITION_SETUP => array() ); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($partition_number); $i++) { $partition_setup = array( OG_REST_PARAM_PART => $partition_number[$i], OG_REST_PARAM_CODE => $partition_code[$i], OG_REST_PARAM_FILE_SYSTEM => $file_system[$i], OG_REST_PARAM_SIZE => $part_size[$i], OG_REST_PARAM_FORMAT => $format[$i] ); array_push($data[OG_REST_PARAM_PARTITION_SETUP], $partition_setup); } common_request(OG_REST_CMD_SETUP, POST, $data); } function run_schedule($string_ips) { $ips = explode(';',$string_ips); $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_CLIENTS => $ips); common_request(OG_REST_CMD_RUN_SCHEDULE, POST, $data); } function run_task($task_id) { $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_TASK => $task_id); return common_request(OG_REST_CMD_RUN_TASK, POST, $data); } function create_schedule($task_id, $type, $name, $years, $months, $weeks, $week_days, $days, $hours, $am_pm, $minutes) { $type_string; switch ($type) { case TYPE_COMMAND: $type_string = OG_SCHEDULE_COMMAND; break; case TYPE_PROCEDURE: $type_string = OG_SCHEDULE_PROCEDURE; break; case TYPE_TASK: default: $type_string = OG_SCHEDULE_TASK; } $data = array ( OG_REST_PARAM_TASK => $task_id, OG_REST_PARAM_TYPE => $type_string, OG_REST_PARAM_NAME => $name, OG_REST_PARAM_WHEN => array ( OG_REST_PARAM_YEARS => intval($years), OG_REST_PARAM_MONTHS => intval($months), OG_REST_PARAM_WEEKS => intval($weeks), OG_REST_PARAM_WEEK_DAYS => intval($week_days), OG_REST_PARAM_DAYS => intval($days), OG_REST_PARAM_HOURS => intval($hours), OG_REST_PARAM_AM_PM => intval($am_pm), OG_REST_PARAM_MINUTES => intval($minutes) ) ); return common_request(OG_REST_CMD_CREATE_SCHEDULE, POST, $data); } function create_schedule_now($task_id, $type, $name) { $type_string; switch ($type) { case TYPE_COMMAND: $type_string = OG_SCHEDULE_COMMAND; break; case TYPE_PROCEDURE: $type_string = OG_SCHEDULE_PROCEDURE; break; case TYPE_TASK: default: $type_string = OG_SCHEDULE_TASK; } $data = array ( OG_REST_PARAM_TASK => $task_id, OG_REST_PARAM_TYPE => $type_string, OG_REST_PARAM_NAME => $name, ); return common_request(OG_REST_CMD_CREATE_SCHEDULE, POST, $data); } function delete_schedule($schedule_id) { $data = array ( OG_REST_PARAM_ID => $schedule_id, ); return common_request(OG_REST_CMD_DELETE_SCHEDULE, POST, $data); } function update_schedule($schedule_id, $task_id, $name, $years, $months, $days, $hours, $am_pm, $minutes) { $data = array ( OG_REST_PARAM_ID => $schedule_id, OG_REST_PARAM_TASK => $task_id, OG_REST_PARAM_NAME => $name, OG_REST_PARAM_WHEN => array ( OG_REST_PARAM_YEARS => intval($years), OG_REST_PARAM_MONTHS => intval($months), OG_REST_PARAM_DAYS => intval($days), OG_REST_PARAM_HOURS => intval($hours), OG_REST_PARAM_AM_PM => intval($am_pm), OG_REST_PARAM_MINUTES => intval($minutes) ) ); return common_request(OG_REST_CMD_UPDATE_SCHEDULE, POST, $data); } function get_schedule($task_id = null, $schedule_id = null) { if (isset($task_id)) $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_TASK => strval($task_id)); else if (isset($schedule_id)) $data = array(OG_REST_PARAM_ID => strval($schedule_id)); else $data = null; $result = common_request(OG_REST_CMD_GET_SCHEDULE, POST, $data); return $result; } /* * @function multiRequest. * @param URLs array (may include header and POST data), cURL options array. * @return Array of arrays with JSON requests and response codes. * @warning Default options: does not verifying certificate, connection timeout 200 ms. * @Date 2015-10-14 */ function multiRequest($data, $options=array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS => 500)) { // array of curl handles $curly = array(); // Data to be returned (response data and code) $result = array(); // multi handle $mh = curl_multi_init(); // loop through $data and create curl handles // then add them to the multi-handle foreach ($data as $id => $d) { $curly[$id] = curl_init(); $url = (is_array($d) && !empty($d['url'])) ? $d['url'] : $d; curl_setopt($curly[$id], CURLOPT_URL, $url); // HTTP headers? if (is_array($d) && !empty($d['header'])) { curl_setopt($curly[$id], CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $d['header']); } else { curl_setopt($curly[$id], CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); } curl_setopt($curly[$id], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // post? if (is_array($d)) { if (!empty($d['post'])) { curl_setopt($curly[$id], CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curly[$id], CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $d['post']); } } // extra options? if (!empty($options)) { curl_setopt_array($curly[$id], $options); } curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $curly[$id]); } // execute the handles $running = null; do { curl_multi_exec($mh, $running); } while($running > 0); // Get content and HTTP code, and remove handles foreach($curly as $id => $c) { $result[$id]['data'] = curl_multi_getcontent($c); $result[$id]['code'] = curl_getinfo($c, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $c); } // all done curl_multi_close($mh); return $result; }