#!/bin/bash #/** #@file opengnsys_update.sh #@brief Script actualización de OpenGnsys #@version 0.9 - basado en opengnsys_installer.sh #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2010/01/27 #@version 1.0 - adaptación a OpenGnSys 1.0 #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2011/03/02 #@version 1.0.1 - control de auto actualización del script #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2011/05/17 #@version 1.0.2a - obtiene valor de dirección IP por defecto #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2012/01/18 #@version 1.0.3 - Compatibilidad con Debian y auto configuración de acceso a BD. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2012/03/12 #@version 1.0.4 - Detector de distribución y compatibilidad con CentOS. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2012/05/04 #@version 1.0.5 - Actualizar BD en la misma versión, compatibilidad con Fedora (systemd) y configuración de Rsync. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2014/04/03 #@version 1.0.6 - Redefinir URLs de ficheros de configuración usando HTTPS. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2015/03/12 #@version 1.1.0 - Instalación de API REST y configuración de zona horaria. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2015/11/09 #@version 1.1.1a - Elegir versión a actualizar. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2019/12/13 #*/ #### AVISO: NO EDITAR variables de configuración. #### WARNING: DO NOT EDIT configuration variables. INSTALL_TARGET=/opt/opengnsys # Directorio de instalación PATH=$PATH:$INSTALL_TARGET/bin OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER="opengnsys" # Usuario Samba # Sólo ejecutable por usuario root if [ "$(whoami)" != 'root' ]; then echo "ERROR: this program must run under root privileges!!" exit 1 fi # Error si OpenGnsys no está instalado (no existe el directorio del proyecto) if [ ! -d $INSTALL_TARGET ]; then echo "ERROR: OpenGnsys is not installed, cannot update!!" exit 1 fi source $INSTALL_TARGET/lib/ogfunctions.sh || exit 1 echo -n "Current version: " if [ -r $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json ]; then jq -j '"OpenGnsys", .version, " ", .release' $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json else cat $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.txt fi echo -e "\nThe OpenGnsys version 1.2.0 was tested with full functionality on Ubuntu 18.04 with PHP 7.2." echo " * If the update is made from a version prior to 1.1.1c, you must disable strict mode in mysql by adding in the configuration file: sql_mode = NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" echo " * If you are going to perform an update from version 1.1.0, it is necessary to start with the operating system, moving it from Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04, and then perform the OpenGnsys update." echo -e -n "\nDo you want to continue? [y/N]: " read -r GO_ON if [ "${GO_ON^^}" != "Y" ]; then echo "We left the installation." && exit fi # Cargar configuración de acceso a la base de datos. if [ -r $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogserver.json ]; then source_json_config $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogserver.json elif [ -r $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogserver.cfg ]; then source $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogserver.cfg elif [ -r $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogAdmServer.cfg ]; then source $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogAdmServer.cfg fi OPENGNSYS_DATABASE=${OPENGNSYS_DATABASE:-"$CATALOG"} # Base de datos OPENGNSYS_DBUSER=${OPENGNSYS_DBUSER:-"$USUARIO"} # Usuario de acceso OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD=${OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD:-"$PASSWORD"} # Clave del usuario if [ -z "$OPENGNSYS_DATABASE" -o -z "$OPENGNSYS_DBUSER" -o -z "$OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD" ]; then echo "ERROR: set OPENGNSYS_DATABASE, OPENGNSYS_DBUSER and OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD" echo " variables, and run this script again." exit 1 fi # Comprobar si se ha descargado el paquete comprimido (REMOTE=0) o sólo el instalador (REMOTE=1). PROGRAMDIR=$(readlink -e $(dirname "$0")) PROGRAMNAME=$(basename "$0") OPENGNSYS_SERVER="opengnsys.es" if [ -d "$PROGRAMDIR/../installer" ]; then REMOTE=0 else REMOTE=1 fi WORKDIR=/tmp/opengnsys_update mkdir -p $WORKDIR # Registro de incidencias. OGLOGFILE=$INSTALL_TARGET/log/${PROGRAMNAME%.sh}.log LOG_FILE=/tmp/$(basename $OGLOGFILE) ##################################################################### ####### Algunas funciones útiles de propósito general: ##################################################################### # Generar variables de configuración del actualizador # Variables globales: # - OSDISTRIB - distribución Linux # - DEPENDENCIES - array de dependencias que deben estar instaladas # - UPDATEPKGLIST, INSTALLPKGS, CHECKPKG - comandos para gestión de paquetes # - APACHECFGDIR, APACHESERV, PHPFPMSERV, DHCPSERV, MYSQLSERV, MYSQLCFGDIR, INETDCFGDIR - configuración y servicios function autoConfigure() { local service # Detectar sistema operativo del servidor (compatible con fichero os-release y con LSB). if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then source /etc/os-release OSDISTRIB="$ID" OSVERSION="$VERSION_ID" else OSDISTRIB=$(lsb_release -is 2>/dev/null) OSVERSION=$(lsb_release -rs 2>/dev/null) fi # Convertir distribución a minúsculas y obtener solo el 1er número de versión. OSDISTRIB="${OSDISTRIB,,}" OSVERSION="${OSVERSION%%.*}" # Configuración según la distribución de Linux. if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then # Distribución basada en paquetes Deb. DEPENDENCIES=( curl rsync btrfs-tools procps arp-scan realpath php-curl gettext moreutils jq wakeonlan udpcast libev-dev libjansson-dev libssl-dev shim-signed grub-efi-amd64-signed php-fpm gawk libdbi-dev libdbi1 libdbd-mysql automake liblz4-tool software-properties-common ) # Paquete correcto para realpath. [ -z "$(apt-cache pkgnames realpath)" ] && DEPENDENCIES=( ${DEPENDENCIES[@]//realpath/coreutils} ) UPDATEPKGLIST="add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php; apt-get update" INSTALLPKGS="apt-get -y install" DELETEPKGS="apt-get -y purge" CHECKPKG="dpkg -s \$package 2>/dev/null | grep -q \"Status: install ok\"" if which service &>/dev/null; then STARTSERVICE="eval service \$service restart" STOPSERVICE="eval service \$service stop" SERVICESTATUS="eval service \$service status" else STARTSERVICE="eval /etc/init.d/\$service restart" STOPSERVICE="eval /etc/init.d/\$service stop" SERVICESTATUS="eval /etc/init.d/\$service status" fi ENABLESERVICE="eval systemctl enable \$service.service" APACHEENABLEMODS="ssl rewrite proxy_fcgi fastcgi actions alias" APACHEDISABLEMODS="php" APACHEUSER="www-data" APACHEGROUP="www-data" MYSQLCFGDIR=/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d MYSQLSERV="mysql" PHPFPMSERV="php-fpm" INETDCFGDIR=/etc/xinetd.d elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then # Distribución basada en paquetes rpm. DEPENDENCIES=( curl rsync btrfs-progs procps-ng arp-scan gettext moreutils jq net-tools udpcast libev-devel jansson-devel openssl-devel shim-x64 grub2-efi-x64 grub2-efi-x64-modules gawk libdbi-devel libdbi libdbi-dbd-mysql automake) # Repositorios para PHP 7 en CentOS. [ "$OSDISTRIB" == "centos" ] && UPDATEPKGLIST="yum update -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-$OSVERSION.noarch.rpm http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-$OSVERSION.rpm" INSTALLPKGS="yum install -y" DELETEPKGS="yum remove -y" CHECKPKG="rpm -q --quiet \$package" if which systemctl &>/dev/null; then STARTSERVICE="eval systemctl restart \$service.service" STOPSERVICE="eval systemctl stop \$service.service" ENABLESERVICE="eval systemctl enable \$service.service" SERVICESTATUS="eval systemctl status \$service.service" else STARTSERVICE="eval service \$service restart" STOPSERVICE="eval service \$service stop" ENABLESERVICE="eval chkconfig \$service on" SERVICESTATUS="eval service \$service status" fi APACHEUSER="apache" APACHEGROUP="apache" MYSQLCFGDIR=/etc/my.cnf.d MYSQLSERV="mariadb" PHPFPMSERV="php-fpm" INETDCFGDIR=/etc/xinetd.d else # Otras distribuciones. : fi for service in apache2 httpd; do [ -d "/etc/$service" ] && APACHECFGDIR="/etc/$service" if $SERVICESTATUS &>/dev/null; then APACHESERV="$service"; fi done for service in dhcpd dhcpd3-server isc-dhcp-server; do if $SERVICESTATUS &>/dev/null; then DHCPSERV="$service"; fi done } # Choose an available version to update. function chooseVersion() { local RELEASES DOWNLOADS INSTVERSION INSTRELEASE RELDATE # Development branch. BRANCH="master" API_URL="https://api.github.com/repos/opengnsys/OpenGnsys/branches/$BRANCH" RELEASES=( ) DOWNLOADS=( ) # If updating from a local or very old version, use the default data. if [ $REMOTE -eq 1 ] && which jq &>/dev/null && [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json -o -f $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.txt ]; then # Installed release. [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json ] && read -pe INSTVERSION INSTRELEASE <<< $(jq -r '.version+" "+.release' $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json) [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.txt ] && read -pe INSTVERSION INSTRELEASE <<< $(awk '{print $2,$3}' $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.txt) # Fetch tags (releases) data from GitHub. while read -pe TAG URL; do if [[ $TAG =~ ^(opengnsys-|v)[0-9] ]]; then [ "${TAG#opengnsys-}" \< "${INSTVERSION%pre}" ] && continue [ "${TAG#v}" \< "${INSTVERSION%pre}" ] && continue RELDATE=$(curl -s "$URL" | jq -r '.commit.committer.date | split("-") | join("")[:8]') RELEASES+=( "${TAG} ($RELDATE)" ) DOWNLOADS+=( "$URL" ) fi done <<< $(curl -s "$API_URL/../../tags" | jq -r '.[] | .name+" "+.commit.url') # Add development (master) branch. RELEASES+=( "$BRANCH" ) DOWNLOADS+=( "$API_URL" ) # Show selection menu, if needed. if [ ${#RELEASES[@]} -gt 1 ]; then echo "Installed version: $INSTVERSION $INSTRELEASE" echo "Versions available for update (\"$BRANCH\" is the latest development branch):" PS3="Enter a number (CTRL-C to exit): " select opt in "${RELEASES[@]}"; do if [ -n "$opt" ]; then BRANCH="${opt%% *}" API_URL="${DOWNLOADS[REPLY-1]}" break fi done fi fi # Download URLs. CODE_URL="https://codeload.github.com/opengnsys/OpenGnsys/zip/$BRANCH" RAW_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opengnsys/OpenGnsys/$BRANCH" } # Comprobar auto-actualización. function checkAutoUpdate() { local update=0 # Actaulizar el script si ha cambiado o no existe el original. if [ $REMOTE -eq 1 ]; then curl -s $RAW_URL/installer/$PROGRAMNAME -o $PROGRAMNAME chmod +x $PROGRAMNAME if ! diff -q $PROGRAMNAME $INSTALL_TARGET/lib/$PROGRAMNAME 2>/dev/null || ! test -f $INSTALL_TARGET/lib/$PROGRAMNAME; then mv $PROGRAMNAME $INSTALL_TARGET/lib update=1 else rm -f $PROGRAMNAME fi else if ! diff -q $PROGRAMDIR/$PROGRAMNAME $INSTALL_TARGET/lib/$PROGRAMNAME 2>/dev/null || ! test -f $INSTALL_TARGET/lib/$PROGRAMNAME; then cp -a $PROGRAMDIR/$PROGRAMNAME $INSTALL_TARGET/lib update=1 fi fi return $update } function getDateTime() { date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S" } # Escribe a fichero y muestra por pantalla function echoAndLog() { echo "$1" DATETIME=`getDateTime` echo "$DATETIME;$SSH_CLIENT;$1" >> $LOG_FILE } function errorAndLog() { echo "ERROR: $1" DATETIME=`getDateTime` echo "$DATETIME;$SSH_CLIENT;ERROR: $1" >> $LOG_FILE } # Escribe a fichero y muestra mensaje de aviso function warningAndLog() { local DATETIME=`getDateTime` echo "Warning: $1" echo "$DATETIME;$SSH_CLIENT;Warning: $1" >> $LOG_FILE } ##################################################################### ####### Funciones de copia de seguridad y restauración de ficheros ##################################################################### # Hace un backup del fichero pasado por parámetro # deja un -last y uno para el día function backupFile() { if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): invalid number of parameters" exit 1 fi local fichero=$1 local fecha=`date +%Y%m%d` if [ ! -f $fichero ]; then warningAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): file $fichero doesn't exists" return 1 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Making $fichero back-up" # realiza una copia de la última configuración como last cp -a $fichero "${fichero}-LAST" # si para el día no hay backup lo hace, sino no if [ ! -f "${fichero}-${fecha}" ]; then cp -a $fichero "${fichero}-${fecha}" fi } # Restaura un fichero desde su copia de seguridad function restoreFile() { if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): invalid number of parameters" exit 1 fi local fichero=$1 echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): restoring file $fichero" if [ -f "${fichero}-LAST" ]; then cp -a "$fichero-LAST" "$fichero" fi } ##################################################################### ####### Funciones de acceso a base de datos ##################################################################### # Actualizar la base datos function importSqlFile() { if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then errorAndLog "${FNCNAME}(): invalid number of parameters" exit 1 fi local dbuser="$1" local dbpassword="$2" local database="$3" local sqlfile="$4" local tmpfile=$(mktemp) local mycnf=/tmp/.my.cnf.$$ local status if [ ! -r $sqlfile ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Unable to read $sqlfile!!" return 1 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): importing SQL file to ${database}..." chmod 600 $tmpfile sed -e "s/SERVERIP/$SERVERIP/g" -e "s/DBUSER/$OPENGNSYS_DB_USER/g" \ -e "s/DBPASSWORD/$OPENGNSYS_DB_PASSWD/g" $sqlfile > $tmpfile # Componer fichero con credenciales de conexión. touch $mycnf chmod 600 $mycnf cat << EOT > $mycnf [client] user=$dbuser password=$dbpassword EOT # Antes de actualizar, reasignar valores para campos no nulos con nulo por defecto. mysql --defaults-extra-file=$MYCNF -D "$database" -e \ "$(mysql --defaults-extra-file=$MYCNF -Nse " SELECT CASE WHEN DATA_TYPE LIKE '%int' THEN CONCAT_WS(' ', 'ALTER TABLE', TABLE_NAME, 'ALTER', COLUMN_NAME, 'SET DEFAULT 0;') WHEN DATA_TYPE LIKE '%char' THEN CONCAT_WS(' ', 'ALTER TABLE', TABLE_NAME, 'ALTER', COLUMN_NAME, 'SET DEFAULT \'\';') WHEN DATA_TYPE = 'text' THEN CONCAT_WS(' ', 'ALTER TABLE', TABLE_NAME, 'MODIFY', COLUMN_NAME, 'TEXT NOT NULL;') ELSE '' END FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='$database' AND IS_NULLABLE='NO' AND COLUMN_DEFAULT IS NULL AND COLUMN_KEY='';")" # Ejecutar actualización y borrar fichero de credenciales. mysql --defaults-extra-file=$mycnf --default-character-set=utf8 -D "$database" < $tmpfile status=$? rm -f $mycnf $tmpfile if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error importing $sqlfile in database $database" return 1 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): file imported to database $database" return 0 } # Comprobar configuración de MySQL y recomendar cambios necesarios. function checkMysqlConfig() { echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): checking MySQL configuration" cp -a $WORKDIR/opengnsys/server/etc/mysqld-og.cnf $MYSQLCFGDIR 2>/dev/null service=$MYSQLSERV; $STARTSERVICE echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): MySQL configuration has checked" return 0 } ##################################################################### ####### Funciones de instalación de paquetes ##################################################################### # Instalar las deependencias necesarias para el actualizador. function installDependencies() { local package # Comprobar si hay que actualizar PHP 5 a PHP 7. eval $UPDATEPKGLIST if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then # Basado en paquetes Deb. PHP7VERSION="php7.2" PHPFPMSERV="${PHP7VERSION}-fpm" PHP5PKGS=( $(dpkg -l | awk '$2~/^php5/ {print $2}') ) if [ -n "$PHP5PKGS" ]; then $DELETEPKGS ${PHP5PKGS[@]} PHP5PKGS[0]="$PHP7VERSION" INSTALLDEPS=${PHP5PKGS[@]//php5*-/${PHP7VERSION}-} fi fi if [ "$OSDISTRIB" == "centos" ]; then PHP7VERSION=$(yum list -q php7\* 2>/dev/null | awk -F. '/^php/ {print $1; exit;}') PHPFPMSERV="${PHP7VERSION}-${PHPFPMSERV}" PHP5PKGS=( $(yum list installed | awk '$1~/^php/ && $2~/^5\./ {sub(/\..*$/, "", $1); print $1}') ) if [ -n "$PHP5PKGS" ]; then $DELETEPKGS ${PHP5PKGS[@]} PHP5PKGS[0]="$PHP7VERSION-php" INSTALLDEPS=${PHP5PKGS[@]//php-/${PHP7VERSION}-php} fi fi if [ $# = 0 ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): no dependencies are needed" else while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do package="${1/php/$PHP7VERSION}" eval $CHECKPKG || INSTALLDEPS="$INSTALLDEPS $package" shift done if [ -n "$INSTALLDEPS" ]; then $INSTALLPKGS $INSTALLDEPS if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): cannot install some dependencies: $INSTALLDEPS" return 1 fi fi fi } ##################################################################### ####### Funciones para descargar código ##################################################################### function downloadCode() { if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): invalid number of parameters" exit 1 fi local url="$1" echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): downloading code..." curl "$url" -o opengnsys.zip && \ unzip -qo opengnsys.zip && \ rm -fr opengnsys && \ mv "OpenGnsys-${BRANCH#v}" opengnsys if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error getting code from ${url}, verify your user and password" return 1 fi rm -f opengnsys.zip echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): code was downloaded" return 0 } ############################################################ ### Detectar red ############################################################ # Comprobar si existe conexión. function checkNetworkConnection() { OPENGNSYS_SERVER=${OPENGNSYS_SERVER:-"opengnsys.es"} if which curl &>/dev/null; then curl --connect-timeout 10 -s "https://$OPENGNSYS_SERVER" -o /dev/null && \ curl --connect-timeout 10 -s "http://$OPENGNSYS_SERVER" -o /dev/null elif which wget &>/dev/null; then wget --spider -q "https://$OPENGNSYS_SERVER" && \ wget --spider -q "http://$OPENGNSYS_SERVER" else echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Cannot execute \"wget\" nor \"curl\"." return 1 fi } # Comprobar si la versión es anterior a la actual. function checkVersion() { local PRE # Obtener versión actual y versión a actualizar. [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.txt ] && OLDVERSION=$(awk '{print $2}' $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.txt 2>/dev/null) [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json ] && OLDVERSION=$(jq -r '.version' $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json 2>/dev/null) if [ $REMOTE -eq 1 ]; then NEWVERSION=$(curl -s $RAW_URL/doc/VERSION.json 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.version') else NEWVERSION=$(jq -r '.version' $PROGRAMDIR/../doc/VERSION.json 2>/dev/null) fi [[ "$NEWVERSION" =~ pre ]] && PRE=1 # Comparar versiones. [[ "$NEWVERSION" < "${OLDVERSION/pre/}" ]] && return 1 [ "${NEWVERSION/pre/}" == "$OLDVERSION" -a "$PRE" == "1" ] && return 1 return 0 } # Obtener los parámetros de red del servidor. function getNetworkSettings() { # Variables globales definidas: # - SERVERIP: IP local de la interfaz por defecto. local DEVICES local dev SERVERIP="$ServidorAdm" DEVICES="$(ip -o link show up | awk '!/loopback/ {sub(/:.*/,"",$2); print $2}')" for dev in $DEVICES; do [ -z "$SERVERIP" ] && SERVERIP=$(ip -o addr show dev $dev | awk '$3~/inet$/ {sub (/\/.*/, ""); print ($4); exit;}') done } ##################################################################### ####### Funciones específicas de la instalación de Opengnsys ##################################################################### # Actualizar cliente OpenGnsys. function updateClientFiles() { local ENGINECFG=$INSTALL_TARGET/client/etc/engine.cfg # Actualizar ficheros del cliente. backupFile $ENGINECFG echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Updating OpenGnsys Client files" rsync -irplt $WORKDIR/opengnsys/client/shared/* $INSTALL_TARGET/client if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while updating client structure" exit 1 fi # Actualizar librerías del motor de clonación. echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Updating OpenGnsys Cloning Engine files" rsync -irplt $WORKDIR/opengnsys/client/engine/*.lib* $INSTALL_TARGET/client/lib/engine/bin if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while updating engine files" exit 1 fi # Actualizar fichero de configuración del motor de clonación. if ! grep -q "^TZ" $ENGINECFG; then TZ=$(timedatectl status | awk -F"[:()]" '/Time.*zone/ {print $2}') cat << EOT >> $ENGINECFG # OpenGnsys Server timezone. TZ="${TZ// /}" EOT fi if ! diff -q ${ENGINECFG}{,-LAST} &>/dev/null; then NEWFILES="$NEWFILES $ENGINECFG" else rm -f ${ENGINECFG}-LAST fi # Obtener URL para descargas adicionales. DOWNLOADURL=$(oglivecli config download-url 2>/dev/null) DOWNLOADURL=${DOWNLOADURL:-"https://$OPENGNSYS_SERVER/trac/downloads"} echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): client files successfully updated" } # Crear certificado para la firma de cargadores de arranque, si es necesario. function createCerts () { local SSLCFGDIR=$INSTALL_TARGET/client/etc/ssl mkdir -p $SSLCFGDIR/{certs,private} if [ ! -f $SSLCFGDIR/private/opengnsys.key ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): creating certificate files" openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $SSLCFGDIR/private/opengnsys.key -out $SSLCFGDIR/certs/opengnsys.crt -nodes -days 3650 -subj "/CN=OpenGnsys/" openssl x509 -in $SSLCFGDIR/certs/opengnsys.crt -out $SSLCFGDIR/certs/opengnsys.cer -outform DER echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): certificate successfully created" fi } # Configurar HTTPS y exportar usuario y grupo del servicio Apache. function apacheConfiguration () { local config template module socketfile # Avtivar PHP-FPM. echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): configuring PHP-FPM" service=$PHPFPMSERV $ENABLESERVICE; $STARTSERVICE # Activar módulos de Apache. if [ -e $APACHECFGDIR/sites-available/opengnsys.conf ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Configuring Apache modules" a2ensite default-ssl for module in $APACHEENABLEMODS; do a2enmod -q "$module"; done for module in $APACHEDISABLEMODS; do a2dismod -q "${module//PHP7VERSION}"; done a2ensite opengnsys elif [ -e $APACHECFGDIR/conf.modules.d ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Configuring Apache modules" sed -i '/rewrite/s/^#//' $APACHECFGDIR/*.conf fi # Elegir plantilla según versión de Apache. if [ -n "$(apachectl -v | grep "2\.[0-2]")" ]; then template=$WORKDIR/opengnsys/server/etc/apache-prev2.4.conf.tmpl > $config else template=$WORKDIR/opengnsys/server/etc/apache.conf.tmpl fi sockfile=$(find /run/php -name "php*.sock" -type s -print 2>/dev/null | tail -1) # Actualizar configuración de Apache a partir de fichero de plantilla. for config in $APACHECFGDIR/{,sites-available/}opengnsys.conf; do if [ -e $config ]; then if [ -n "$sockfile" ]; then sed -e "s,CONSOLEDIR,$INSTALL_TARGET/www,g; s,proxy:fcgi:.*,proxy:unix:${sockfile%% *}|fcgi://localhost\",g" $template > $config else sed -e "s,CONSOLEDIR,$INSTALL_TARGET/www,g" $template > $config fi fi done # Reiniciar Apache. service=$APACHESERV; $STARTSERVICE # Variables de ejecución de Apache. # - APACHE_RUN_USER # - APACHE_RUN_GROUP if [ -f $APACHECFGDIR/envvars ]; then source $APACHECFGDIR/envvars fi APACHE_RUN_USER=${APACHE_RUN_USER:-"$APACHEUSER"} APACHE_RUN_GROUP=${APACHE_RUN_GROUP:-"$APACHEGROUP"} } # Configurar servicio Rsync. function rsyncConfigure() { local service # Configurar acceso a Rsync. if [ ! -f /etc/rsyncd.conf ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Configuring Rsync service" NEWFILES="$NEWFILES /etc/rsyncd.conf" sed -e "s/CLIENTUSER/$OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER/g" \ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/repoman/etc/rsyncd.conf.tmpl > /etc/rsyncd.conf # Habilitar Rsync. if [ -f /etc/default/rsync ]; then perl -pi -e 's/RSYNC_ENABLE=.*/RSYNC_ENABLE=inetd/' /etc/default/rsync fi if [ -f $INETDCFGDIR/rsync ]; then perl -pi -e 's/disable.*/disable = no/' $INETDCFGDIR/rsync else cat << EOT > $INETDCFGDIR/rsync service rsync { disable = no socket_type = stream wait = no user = root server = $(which rsync) server_args = --daemon log_on_failure += USERID flags = IPv6 } EOT fi # Activar e iniciar Rsync. service="rsync" $ENABLESERVICE service="xinetd" $ENABLESERVICE; $STARTSERVICE fi } # Copiar ficheros del OpenGnsys Web Console. function updateWebFiles() { local ERRCODE COMPATDIR f echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Updating web files..." # Copiar los ficheros nuevos conservando el archivo de configuración de acceso. backupFile $INSTALL_TARGET/www/controlacceso.php mv $INSTALL_TARGET/www $INSTALL_TARGET/WebConsole rsync -irplt $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/WebConsole $INSTALL_TARGET ERRCODE=$? mv $INSTALL_TARGET/WebConsole $INSTALL_TARGET/www rm -fr $INSTALL_TARGET/www/xajax unzip -o $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/slim-2.6.1.zip -d $INSTALL_TARGET/www/rest unzip -o $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/swagger-ui-2.2.5.zip -d $INSTALL_TARGET/www/rest if [ $ERRCODE != 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Error updating web files." exit 1 fi restoreFile $INSTALL_TARGET/www/controlacceso.php # Cambiar acceso a protocolo HTTPS. if grep -q "http://" $INSTALL_TARGET/www/controlacceso.php 2>/dev/null; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating web access file" perl -pi -e 's!http://!https://!g' $INSTALL_TARGET/www/controlacceso.php NEWFILES="$NEWFILES $INSTALL_TARGET/www/controlacceso.php" fi # Compatibilidad con dispositivos móviles. COMPATDIR="$INSTALL_TARGET/www/principal" for f in acciones administracion aula aulas hardwares imagenes menus repositorios softwares; do sed 's/clickcontextualnodo/clicksupnodo/g' $COMPATDIR/$f.php > $COMPATDIR/$f.device.php done cp -a $COMPATDIR/imagenes.device.php $COMPATDIR/imagenes.device4.php # Acceso al manual de usuario ln -fs ../doc/userManual $INSTALL_TARGET/www/userManual # Fichero de log de la API REST. touch $INSTALL_TARGET/log/{ogagent,rest,remotepc}.log echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Web files successfully updated" } # Copiar ficheros en la zona de descargas de OpenGnsys Web Console. function updateDownloadableFiles() { local VERSIONFILE OGVERSION FILENAME TARGETFILE # Obtener versión a descargar. VERSIONFILE="$INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json" OGVERSION="$(jq -r ".ogagent // \"$NEWVERSION\"" $VERSIONFILE 2>/dev/null || echo "$NEWVERSION")" FILENAME="ogagentpkgs-$OGVERSION.tar.gz" TARGETFILE=$WORKDIR/$FILENAME # Descargar archivo comprimido, si es necesario. if [ -s $PROGRAMDIR/$FILENAME ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Moving $PROGRAMDIR/$FILENAME file to $(dirname $TARGETFILE)" mv $PROGRAMDIR/$FILENAME $TARGETFILE else echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Downloading $FILENAME" curl $DOWNLOADURL/$FILENAME -o $TARGETFILE fi if [ ! -s $TARGETFILE ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Cannot download $FILENAME" return 1 fi # Descomprimir fichero en zona de descargas. tar xvzf $TARGETFILE -C $INSTALL_TARGET/www/descargas if [ $? != 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Error uncompressing archive $FILENAME" return 1 fi } # Copiar carpeta de Interface function updateInterfaceAdm() { local errcode=0 # Crear carpeta y copiar Interface echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Copying Administration Interface Folder" mv $INSTALL_TARGET/client/interfaceAdm $INSTALL_TARGET/client/Interface rsync -irplt $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Interface $INSTALL_TARGET/client errcoce=$? mv $INSTALL_TARGET/client/Interface $INSTALL_TARGET/client/interfaceAdm if [ $errcode -ne 0 ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while updating admin interface" exit 1 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Admin interface successfully updated" } # Crear documentación Doxygen para la consola web. function makeDoxygenFiles() { echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Making Doxygen web files..." $WORKDIR/opengnsys/installer/ogGenerateDoc.sh \ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/client/engine $INSTALL_TARGET/www if [ ! -d "$INSTALL_TARGET/www/html" ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): unable to create Doxygen web files" return 1 fi rm -fr "$INSTALL_TARGET/www/api" mv "$INSTALL_TARGET/www/html" "$INSTALL_TARGET/www/api" rm -fr $INSTALL_TARGET/www/{man,perlmod,rtf} echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Doxygen web files created successfully" } # Crea la estructura base de la instalación de opengnsys function createDirs() { # Crear estructura de directorios. echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): creating directory paths in ${INSTALL_TARGET}" local dir MKNETDIR mkdir -p ${INSTALL_TARGET}/{bin,doc,etc,lib,sbin,www} mkdir -p ${INSTALL_TARGET}/{client,images/groups} mkdir -p ${INSTALL_TARGET}/log/clients if [ ! -d ${INSTALL_TARGET}/log/clients/setBootMode ]; then mkdir -p ${INSTALL_TARGET}/log/clients/setBootMode chmod 777 ${INSTALL_TARGET}/log/clients/setBootMode else chmod 777 ${INSTALL_TARGET}/log/clients/setBootMode fi ln -fs ${INSTALL_TARGET}/log /var/log/opengnsys # Detectar directorio de instalación de TFTP. if [ ! -L ${INSTALL_TARGET}/tftpboot ]; then for dir in /var/lib/tftpboot /srv/tftp; do [ -d $dir ] && ln -fs $dir ${INSTALL_TARGET}/tftpboot done fi mkdir -p $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/{menu.lst,grub}/examples if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while creating dirs. Do you have write permissions?" return 1 fi ! [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/menu.lst/templates/00unknown ] && mv $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/menu.lst/templates/* $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/menu.lst/examples ! [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/grub/templates/10 ] && mv $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/grub/templates/* $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/grub/examples # Preparar arranque en red con Grub. for f in grub-mknetdir grub2-mknetdir; do if which $f &>/dev/null; then MKNETDIR=$f; fi done $MKNETDIR --net-directory=${INSTALL_TARGET}/tftpboot --subdir=grub # Crear usuario ficticio. if id -u $OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER &>/dev/null; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): user \"$OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER\" is already created" else echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): creating OpenGnsys user" useradd $OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error creating OpenGnsys user" return 1 fi fi # Mover el fichero de registro al directorio de logs. echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): moving update log file" mv $LOG_FILE $OGLOGFILE && LOG_FILE=$OGLOGFILE chmod 600 $LOG_FILE echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): directory paths created" return 0 } # Actualización incremental de la BD (versión actaul a actaul+1, hasta final-1 a final). function updateDatabase() { local DBDIR="$WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Database" local file FILES="" echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): looking for database updates" pushd $DBDIR >/dev/null # Bucle de actualización incremental desde versión actual a la final. for file in $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-*-*.sql; do case "$file" in $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-$OLDVERSION-$NEWVERSION.sql) # Actualización única de versión inicial y final. FILES="$FILES $file" break ;; $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-*-postinst.sql) # Ignorar fichero específico de post-instalación. ;; $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-$OLDVERSION-*.sql) # Actualización de versión n a n+1. FILES="$FILES $file" OLDVERSION="$(echo ${file%.*} | cut -f3 -d-)" ;; $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-*-$NEWVERSION.sql) # Última actualización de versión final-1 a final. if [ -n "$FILES" ]; then FILES="$FILES $file" break fi ;; esac done # Aplicar posible actualización propia para la versión final. file=$OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-$NEWVERSION.sql if [ -n "$FILES" -o "$OLDVERSION" = "$NEWVERSION" -a -r $file ]; then FILES="$FILES $file" fi popd >/dev/null if [ -n "$FILES" ]; then for file in $FILES; do importSqlFile $OPENGNSYS_DBUSER $OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE $DBDIR/$file done echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): database is update" else echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): database unchanged" fi } # Copia ficheros de configuración y ejecutables genéricos del servidor. function updateServerFiles() { # No copiar ficheros del antiguo cliente Initrd local SOURCES=( repoman/bin \ server/bin \ server/lib \ admin/Sources/Services/ogAdmRepoAux \ server/tftpboot \ /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed \ /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-signed/grubnetx64.efi.signed \ installer/opengnsys_uninstall.sh \ installer/opengnsys_export.sh \ installer/opengnsys_import.sh \ doc ) local TARGETS=( bin \ bin \ lib \ sbin/ogAdmRepoAux \ tftpboot \ tftpboot/shimx64.efi.signed \ tftpboot/grubx64.efi \ lib/opengnsys_uninstall.sh \ lib/opengnsys_export.sh \ lib/opengnsys_import.sh \ doc ) if [ ${#SOURCES[@]} != ${#TARGETS[@]} ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): inconsistent number of array items" exit 1 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating files in server directories" pushd $WORKDIR/opengnsys >/dev/null local i for (( i = 0; i < ${#SOURCES[@]}; i++ )); do if [ -d "$INSTALL_TARGET/${TARGETS[i]}" ]; then rsync -irplt "${SOURCES[i]}" $(dirname $(readlink -e "$INSTALL_TARGET/${TARGETS[i]}")) else rsync -irplt "${SOURCES[i]}" $(readlink -m "$INSTALL_TARGET/${TARGETS[i]}") fi done popd >/dev/null NEWFILES="" # Ficheros de configuración que han cambiado de formato. if grep -q 'pxelinux.0' /etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating DHCP files" perl -pi -e 's/pxelinux.0/grldr/' /etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf service=$DHCPSERV; $STARTSERVICE NEWFILES="/etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf" fi if ! grep -q 'shimx64.efi.signed' /etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating DHCP files for UEFI computers" UEFICFG=" # 0007 == x64 EFI boot\n"\ " if option arch = 00:07 {\n"\ " filename \"shimx64.efi.signed\";\n"\ " } else {\n"\ " filename \"grldr\";\n"\ " }" sed -i -e 1i"option arch code 93 = unsigned integer 16;" -e s@"^.*grldr\"\;"@"$UEFICFG"@g /etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf service=$DHCPSERV; $STARTSERVICE NEWFILES="/etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf" fi if ! diff -q $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/opengnsys.init /etc/init.d/opengnsys 2>/dev/null; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating new init file" backupFile /etc/init.d/opengnsys service="opengnsys" $STOPSERVICE cp -a $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/opengnsys.init /etc/init.d/opengnsys systemctl daemon-reload $STARTSERVICE NEWFILES="$NEWFILES /etc/init.d/opengnsys" fi if ! diff -q \ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/opengnsys.service \ /lib/systemd/system/opengnsys.service 2>/dev/null; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating new service file" backupFile /lib/systemd/system/opengnsys.service service="opengnsys" $STOPSERVICE cp -a \ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/opengnsys.service \ /lib/systemd/system/opengnsys.service systemctl daemon-reload $STARTSERVICE NEWFILES="$NEWFILES /lib/systemd/system/opengnsys.service" fi if ! diff -q $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/opengnsys.default /etc/default/opengnsys >/dev/null; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating new default file" backupFile /etc/default/opengnsys # Buscar si hay nuevos parámetros. local var valor while IFS="=" read -e var valor; do [[ $var =~ ^# ]] || \ grep -q "^$var=" /etc/default/opengnsys || \ echo "$var=$valor" >> /etc/default/opengnsys done < $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/opengnsys.default NEWFILES="$NEWFILES /etc/default/opengnsys" fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating cron files" [ ! -f /etc/cron.d/torrentcreator ] && echo "* * * * * root [ -x $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/torrent-creator ] && $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/torrent-creator" > /etc/cron.d/torrentcreator [ ! -f /etc/cron.d/torrenttracker ] && echo "5 * * * * root [ -x $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/torrent-tracker ] && $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/torrent-tracker" > /etc/cron.d/torrenttracker [ ! -f /etc/cron.d/imagedelete ] && echo "* * * * * root [ -x $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/deletepreimage ] && $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/deletepreimage" > /etc/cron.d/imagedelete [ ! -f /etc/cron.d/ogagentqueue ] && echo "* * * * * root [ -x $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/ogagentqueue.cron ] && $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/ogagentqueue.cron" > /etc/cron.d/ogagentqueue echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): deleting deprecated cron file" [ -e /etc/cron.d/opengnsys ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/opengnsys \ $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/opengnsys.cron # Se modifican los nombres de las plantilla PXE por compatibilidad con los equipos UEFI. if [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/menu.lst/templates/01 ]; then BIOSPXEDIR="$INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/menu.lst/templates" mv $BIOSPXEDIR/01 $BIOSPXEDIR/10 sed -i "s/\bMBR\b/1hd/" $BIOSPXEDIR/10 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): server files successfully updated" } #################################################################### ### Funciones de compilación de código fuente de servicios #################################################################### # Mueve el fichero del nuevo servicio si es distinto al del directorio destino. function moveNewService() { local service # Recibe 2 parámetros: fichero origen y directorio destino. [ $# == 2 ] || return 1 [ -f $1 -a -d $2 ] || return 1 # Comparar los ficheros. if ! diff -q $1 $2/$(basename $1) &>/dev/null; then # Parar los servicios si fuese necesario. service="opengnsys" [ -z "$NEWSERVICES" ] && $STOPSERVICE # Nuevo servicio. NEWSERVICES="$NEWSERVICES $(basename $1)" # Mover el nuevo fichero de servicio mv $1 $2 $STARTSERVICE fi } # Compiling and updating OpenGnsys Server service function ogServerCompilation() { local ogserverUrl="https://codeload.github.com/opengnsys/ogServer/zip/$BRANCH" local error=0 serv echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): downloading ogServer code..." if ! (curl "${ogserverUrl}" -o ogserver.zip && \ unzip -qo "ogserver.zip") then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): "\ "error getting ogServer code from ${ogserverUrl}" return 1 fi rm -f ogserver.zip echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): ogServer code was downloaded" echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Recompiling OpenGnsys Admin Server" pushd "$WORKDIR/ogServer-${BRANCH#v}" autoreconf -fi && ./configure && make && moveNewService ogserver $INSTALL_TARGET/sbin if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while compiling OpenGnsys Server" error=1 fi popd # Renaming OpenGnsys Server configuration file, if needed [ -e $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogAdmServer.cfg ] && \ rm -f $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogAdmServer.cfg [ -e $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogserver.cfg ] && \ rm -f $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogserver.cfg if [ ! -e $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogserver.json ]; then echo "{ \"rest\" : { \"ip\" : \"$ServidorAdm\", \"port\" : \"8888\", \"api_token\": \"$APITOKEN\" }, \"database\" : { \"ip\": \"$datasource\", \"port\": \"3306\", \"name\" : \"$CATALOG\", \"user\" : \"$USUARIO\", \"pass\" : \"$PASSWORD\" }, \"wol\" : { \"interface\" : \"$INTERFACE\" } }" | jq '.' > "$INSTALL_TARGET"/etc/ogserver.json fi # Remove old OpenGnsys services for serv in ogAdmAgent ogAdmRepo ogAdmServer; do pgrep $serv > /dev/null && pkill -9 $serv && \ echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): removing deprecated $serv service" rm -f $INSTALL_TARGET/sbin/$serv if [ $serv != ogAdmRepo ]; then rm -f $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/$serv.cfg fi done # Generating an ogServer API token, if it does not exist [ -z "$APITOKEN" ] && \ $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/settoken -f # Updating service file, if needed if ! diff -q \ "$WORKDIR"/ogServer-"${BRANCH#v}"/cfg/ogserver.service \ /lib/systemd/system/ogserver.service 2>/dev/null; then service="opengnsys" $STOPSERVICE echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating new service file" backupFile /lib/systemd/system/ogserver.service service="ogserver" $STOPSERVICE cp -a \ "$WORKDIR"/ogServer-"${BRANCH#v}"/cfg/ogserver.service \ /lib/systemd/system/ogserver.service systemctl daemon-reload $STARTSERVICE service="opengnsys" $STARTSERVICE NEWFILES="$NEWFILES /lib/systemd/system/ogserver.service" fi return $error } #################################################################### ### Funciones instalacion cliente OpenGnsys #################################################################### # Actualizar cliente OpenGnsys function updateClient() { local FILENAME=ogLive-bionic-5.4.0-40-generic-amd64-r20200629.85eceaf.iso # 1.2 (64 bits) local SOURCEFILE=$DOWNLOADURL/$FILENAME local TARGETFILE=$(oglivecli config download-dir)/$FILENAME local SOURCELENGTH local TARGETLENGTH local OGINITRD local SAMBAPASS # Comprobar si debe convertirse el antiguo cliente al nuevo formato ogLive. if oglivecli check | grep -q "oglivecli convert"; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Converting OpenGnsys Client to default ogLive" oglivecli convert fi # Comprobar si debe actualizarse el cliente. SOURCELENGTH=$(curl -sI $SOURCEFILE 2>&1 | awk '/Content-Length:/ {gsub("\r", ""); print $2}') TARGETLENGTH=$(stat -c "%s" $TARGETFILE 2>/dev/null) [ -z $TARGETLENGTH ] && TARGETLENGTH=0 if [ "$SOURCELENGTH" != "$TARGETLENGTH" ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Downloading $FILENAME" oglivecli download $FILENAME if [ ! -s $TARGETFILE ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Error downloading $FILENAME" return 1 fi # Actaulizar la imagen ISO del ogclient. echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Updatting ogLive client" oglivecli install $FILENAME INSTALLEDOGLIVE=${FILENAME%.*} echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): ogLive successfully updated" else # Si no existe, crear el fichero de claves de Rsync. if [ ! -f /etc/rsyncd.secrets ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Restoring ogLive access key" OGINITRD=$(oglivecli config install-dir)/$(jq -r ".oglive[.default].directory")/oginitrd.img SAMBAPASS=$(gzip -dc $OGINITRD | \ cpio -i --to-stdout scripts/ogfunctions 2>&1 | \ grep "^[ ].*OPTIONS=" | \ sed 's/\(.*\)pass=\(\w*\)\(.*\)/\2/') echo -ne "$SAMBAPASS\n$SAMBAPASS\n" | setsmbpass else echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): ogLive is already updated" fi # Versión del ogLive instalado. echo "${FILENAME%.*}" > $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/veroglive.txt fi } # Update ogClient function updateOgClient() { local ogclientUrl="https://codeload.github.com/opengnsys/ogClient/zip/$BRANCH" local CLIENTPASS echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): downloading ogClient code..." if ! (curl "${ogclientUrl}" -o ogclient.zip && \ unzip -qo ogclient.zip) then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): "\ "error getting ogClient code from ${ogclientUrl}" return 1 fi if [ -e $INSTALL_TARGET/client/ogClient/cfg/ogclient.json ]; then rm -f ogClient-"${BRANCH#v}"/cfg/ogclient.json else CLIENTPASS=$(awk -F":" '{print $2}' /etc/rsyncd.secrets) sed -i -e 's/'$ServidorAdm'/' \ -e 's/pass'.*$'/pass\": "'$CLIENTPASS'"/' \ ogClient-"${BRANCH#v}"/cfg/ogclient.json fi rsync -irplt "ogClient-${BRANCH#v}/" $INSTALL_TARGET/client/ogClient rm -f ogclient.zip echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): ogClient code was downloaded and updated" return 0 } # Comprobar permisos y ficheros. function checkFiles() { local LOGROTATEDIR=/etc/logrotate.d # Comprobar permisos adecuados. if [ -x $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/checkperms ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Checking permissions" OPENGNSYS_DIR="$INSTALL_TARGET" OPENGNSYS_USER="$OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER" APACHE_USER="$APACHE_RUN_USER" APACHE_GROUP="$APACHE_RUN_GROUP" $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/checkperms fi # Eliminamos el fichero de estado del tracker porque es incompatible entre los distintos paquetes if [ -f /tmp/dstate ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Deleting unused files" rm -f /tmp/dstate fi # Crear nuevos ficheros de logrotate y borrar el fichero antiguo. if [ -d $LOGROTATEDIR ]; then rm -f $LOGROTATEDIR/opengnsys if [ ! -f $LOGROTATEDIR/opengnsysServer ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Creating logrotate configuration file for server" sed -e "s/OPENGNSYSDIR/${INSTALL_TARGET//\//\\/}/g" \ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/server/etc/logrotate.tmpl > $LOGROTATEDIR/opengnsysServer fi if [ ! -f $LOGROTATEDIR/opengnsysRepo ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Creating logrotate configuration file for repository" sed -e "s/OPENGNSYSDIR/${INSTALL_TARGET//\//\\/}/g" \ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/server/etc/logrotate.tmpl > $LOGROTATEDIR/opengnsysRepo fi fi } # Resumen de actualización. function updateSummary() { # Actualizar fichero de versión y revisión. local VERSIONFILE REVISION VERSIONFILE="$INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json" # Obtener revisión. if [ $REMOTE -eq 1 ]; then # Revisión: rAñoMesDía.Gitcommit (8 caracteres de fecha y 7 primeros de commit). if [ "$BRANCH" = "master" ]; then REVISION=$(curl -s "$API_URL" | jq '"r" + (.commit.commit.committer.date | split("-") | join("")[:8]) + "." + (.commit.sha[:7])') else REVISION=$(curl -s "$API_URL" | jq '"r" + (.commit.committer.date | split("-") | join("")[:8]) + "." + (.sha[:7])') fi else # Parámetro "release" del fichero JSON. REVISION=$(jq -r '.release' $PROGRAMDIR/../doc/VERSION.json 2>/dev/null) fi [ -f $VERSIONFILE ] || echo '{ "project": "OpenGnsys" }' > $VERSIONFILE jq ".release=$REVISION" $VERSIONFILE | sponge $VERSIONFILE VERSION="$(jq -r '[.project, .version, .codename, .release] | join(" ")' $VERSIONFILE 2>/dev/null)" # Borrar antiguo fichero de versión. rm -f "${VERSIONFILE/json/txt}" echo echoAndLog "OpenGnsys Update Summary" echo "========================" echoAndLog "Project version: $VERSION" echoAndLog "Update log file: $LOG_FILE" [ "$NEWFILES" ] && echoAndLog "Check new config files: $(echo $NEWFILES)" [ "$NEWSERVICES" ] && echoAndLog "New compiled services: $(echo $NEWSERVICES)" echoAndLog "Warnings:" echoAndLog " - You must to clear web browser cache before loading OpenGnsys page" echoAndLog " - Run \"settoken\" script to update authentication tokens" [ "$INSTALLEDOGLIVE" ] && echoAndLog " - Installed new ogLive Client: $INSTALLEDOGLIVE" echoAndLog " - Review syslog configuration and logrotate by syslog," echoAndLog " in debug mode OpenGnsys log is very extensive." echo } ##################################################################### ####### Proceso de actualización de OpenGnsys ##################################################################### # Comprobar si hay conexión y detectar parámetros de red por defecto. checkNetworkConnection if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error connecting to server. Causes:" errorAndLog " - Network is unreachable, check device parameters" errorAndLog " - You are inside a private network, configure the proxy service" errorAndLog " - Server is temporally down, try again later" exit 1 fi getNetworkSettings # Elegir versión y comprobar si se intanta actualizar a una versión anterior. chooseVersion checkVersion if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Cannot downgrade to an older version ($OLDVERSION to $NEWVERSION)" errorAndLog "You must to uninstall OpenGnsys and install desired release" exit 1 fi echoAndLog "OpenGnsys update begins at $(date)" pushd $WORKDIR # Comprobar auto-actualización del programa. if [ "$PROGRAMDIR" != "$INSTALL_TARGET/bin" ]; then checkAutoUpdate if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echoAndLog "OpenGnsys updater has been overwritten" echoAndLog "Please, run this script again" exit fi fi # Detectar datos de auto-configuración del instalador. autoConfigure # Instalar dependencias. installDependencies ${DEPENDENCIES[*]} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error: you must to install all needed dependencies" exit 1 fi # Arbol de directorios de OpenGnsys. createDirs ${INSTALL_TARGET} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error while creating directory paths" exit 1 fi # Si es necesario, descarga el repositorio de código en directorio temporal if [ $REMOTE -eq 1 ]; then downloadCode $CODE_URL if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error while getting code from repository" exit 1 fi else ln -fs "$(dirname $PROGRAMDIR)" opengnsys fi # Comprobar configuración de MySQL. checkMysqlConfig $OPENGNSYS_DBUSER $OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD # Actualizar la BD. updateDatabase # Actualizar ficheros complementarios del servidor updateServerFiles if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error updating OpenGnsys Server files" exit 1 fi # Configurar Rsync. rsyncConfigure # Actualizar ficheros del cliente. updateClientFiles createCerts updateInterfaceAdm # Actualizar páqinas web. apacheConfiguration updateWebFiles if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error updating OpenGnsys Web Admin files" exit 1 fi # Actaulizar ficheros descargables. updateDownloadableFiles # Generar páginas Doxygen para instalar en el web makeDoxygenFiles # Recompilar y actualizar los servicios del sistema if ogServerCompilation; then # Restart services, if necessary. if [ "$NEWSERVICES" ]; then echoAndLog "Restarting OpenGnsys services" service="opengnsys" $STARTSERVICE service="ogserver" $STARTSERVICE fi else errorAndLog "Error compiling OpenGnsys services" exit 1 fi # Actaulizar ficheros auxiliares del cliente updateClient if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error updating client files" exit 1 fi # Update ogClient if ! updateOgClient; then errorAndLog "Error updating ogClient files" exit 1 fi # Comprobar permisos y ficheros. checkFiles # Mostrar resumen de actualización. updateSummary rm -rf $WORKDIR echoAndLog "OpenGnsys update finished at $(date)" popd