#!/bin/bash #/** #@file importimage #@usage importimage [User] Repo ImageName #@brief Imports an image file from other repository #@param User username to access the remote repository (local user, by default) #@param Repo repository IP address or hostaname #@param ImageName image name to download #@warning Program will request the repository REST token. #@version 1.1.1 - Initial version #@author Ramón M. Gómez, ETSII Universidad de Sevilla #@date 2018-10-08 #@version 1.1.1b - Fix some bugs. #@author Ramón M. Gómez, ETSII Universidad de Sevilla #@date 2020-02-17 #*/ # Variables. OPENGNSYS=${OPENGNSYS:-"/opt/opengnsys"} REPODIR="$OPENGNSYS/images" REPOCONF="$OPENGNSYS/etc/ogAdmRepo.cfg" SERVERCONF="$OPENGNSYS/etc/ogserver.json" DEFAULTFILE="/etc/default/opengnsys" let BACKUP=0 source $DEFAULTFILE source $REPOCONF &>/dev/null # Functions. source $OPENGNSYS/lib/ogfunctions.sh || exit 1 [ "$RUN_OGADMSERVER" == "yes" ] && source_json_config $SERVERCONF &>/dev/null # Main program. # Error control. [ "$USER" == "root" ] || raiseError access "Need to be root." [ "$RUN_OGADMREPO" == "yes" ] || raiseError access "This server is not defined as image repository." [ -w "$REPODIR" ] || raiseError access "Cannot write in local repository." [ -n "$IPlocal" ] || raiseError access "Cannot read repository configuration file." case $# in 2) USERNAME="$SUDO_USER"; REPO="$1"; IMAGE="$2" ;; 3) USERNAME="$1"; REPO="$2"; IMAGE="$3" ;; *) [[ $* =~ ^(help|version)$ ]] && $* || raiseError usage esac [ "${REPO,,}" == "${HOSTNAME,,}" ] || [ "${REPO,,}" == "localhost" ] || [[ ${REPO} =~ ^127\. ]] || [ "${REPO,,}" == "${IPlocal,,}" ] && raiseError access "Cannot import from local repository." # Fetching image info from the repository. read -rp "Enter repository API token: " APITOKEN IMAGEINFO="$(curl -k -H "Authorization: $APITOKEN" "https://$REPO/opengnsys/rest/repository/image/$IMAGE" 2> /dev/null | jq -r .)" IMAGENAME="$(jq -r '.name' <<< "$IMAGEINFO" 2>/dev/null)" case "$IMAGEINFO" in "") # Connection error. raiseError access "Cannot connect to $REPO" ;; "[]") # Image not found. raiseError notfound "Image $IMAGE in remote repository $REPO" ;; *) # Checking REST error. MESSAGE="$(jq -r '.message' <<< "$IMAGEINFO" 2>/dev/null)" [ -n "$MESSAGE" ] && raiseError access "$MESSAGE" esac IMAGETYPE="$(jq -r '.type' <<< "$IMAGEINFO" 2>/dev/null)" IMAGELOCKED="$(jq -r '.locked' <<< "$IMAGEINFO" 2>/dev/null)" [ "$IMAGELOCKED" == "true" ] && raiseError access "Image locked by remote repository." IMAGESIZE="$(jq -r '.size' <<< "$IMAGEINFO" 2>/dev/null)" [ -z "$IMAGESIZE" ] && raiseError access "Cannot retrieve image size" # Checking if local image exists. IMAGEPATH="$REPODIR/$IMAGENAME.$IMAGETYPE" LOCKFILE="$IMAGEPATH.lock" if [ -e "$IMAGEPATH" ]; then # Checking if local image is locked. [ -f "$LOCKFILE" ] && raiseError access "Local image is locked, cannot write." # Confirm image download. read -rp "Image $IMAGENAME exists in the local repository. Do you want to continue? (y/N): " ANSWER [ "${ANSWER,,}" = "y" ] || exit BACKUP=1 REMOTEDATE=$(jq -r '.modified' <<< "$IMAGEINFO" 2>/dev/null) LOCALDATE=$(stat -c "%y" "$IMAGEPATH" | cut -f1 -d.) if [[ "$REMOTEDATE" < "$LOCALDATE" ]]; then read -rp "Remote image seems older than the local one. Do you want to continue? (y/N): " ANSWER [ "${ANSWER,,}" = "y" ] || exit fi fi # Trapping signal to unlock image before exit. trap "rm -f $LOCKFILE" 1 2 3 6 9 15 # Creating lock file. touch $LOCKFILE # Backing up local image. if [ $BACKUP -eq 1 ]; then mv -vf "$IMAGEPATH" "$IMAGEPATH.ant" 2>/dev/null mv -vf "$IMAGEPATH.torrent" "$IMAGEPATH.torrent.ant" 2>/dev/null mv -vf "$IMAGEPATH.sum" "$IMAGEPATH.sum.ant" 2>/dev/null mv -vf "$IMAGEPATH.full.sum" "$IMAGEPATH.full.sum.ant" 2>/dev/null fi # Downloading image file. [[ $IMAGEPATH =~ / ]] && mkdir -p "$(dirname "$IMAGEPATH")" if scp "$USERNAME@$REPO:$IMAGEPATH" $REPODIR; then # Cheking image size. DOWNLOADSIZE=$(stat -c "%s" "$IMAGEPATH") [ $IMAGESIZE -ne $DOWNLOADSIZE ] && echo "Warning: image sizes differ: source=$IMAGESIZE, target=$DOWNLOADSIZE." # Storing creation info. jq -r '.clonator+":"+.compressor+":"+.filesystem+":"+(.datasize|tostring)+":"' <<<"$IMAGEINFO" > "$IMAGEPATH.info" # Updating the database when the repo is also configured as Administration Server. if [ "$RUN_OGADMSERVER" == "yes" ]; then if [ $BACKUP -eq 1 ]; then # If the image exists, increase its revision number. dbexec "UPDATE imagenes SET revision = revision + 1 WHERE nombreca = '$IMAGE';" else # Obtaining defined Organizational Units. while read -re DATA; do OUS[${#OUS[@]}]="$DATA" done <<<$(dbexec "SELECT idcentro, nombrecentro FROM centros;") if [ ${#OUS[@]} -eq 1 ]; then # Only 1 OU is defined. let OUID="${OUS%% *}" else # Choose image OU. echo "Choose Organization Unit:" PS3="Enter number: " select opt in "${OUS[@]#* }"; do [ -n "$opt" ] && let OUID="${OUS[REPLY-1]%% *}" && break done fi # Creating a new image associated with an empty software profile. dbexec " SET @repoid = (SELECT idrepositorio FROM repositorios WHERE ip='$IPlocal' LIMIT 1), @profname = '$IMAGE imported from $REPO'; INSERT INTO perfilessoft (descripcion, idcentro, grupoid) SELECT @profname, '$OUID', 0 FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT descripcion FROM perfilessoft WHERE descripcion = @profname AND idcentro = '$OUID') LIMIT 1; SET @profid = LAST_INSERT_ID(); INSERT INTO imagenes (nombreca, revision, descripcion, idperfilsoft, idcentro, comentarios, grupoid, idrepositorio, tipo, fechacreacion) VALUES ('$IMAGE', 1, '$IMAGE imported', @profid, '$OUID', 'Image imported from repo $REPO', 0, @repoid, 1, NOW());" fi fi else # On download error, trying to recover backup. raiseError download "$USERNAME@$REPO:$IMAGEPATH" if [ $BACKUP -eq 1 ]; then mv -vf "$IMAGEPATH.ant" "$IMAGEPATH" 2>/dev/null mv -vf "$IMAGEPATH.torrent.ant" "$IMAGEPATH.torrent" 2>/dev/null mv -vf "$IMAGEPATH.sum.ant" "$IMAGEPATH.sum" 2>/dev/null mv -vf "$IMAGEPATH.full.sum.ant" "$IMAGEPATH.full.sum" 2>/dev/null fi fi # Unlocking image and removing temporary file. rm -f $LOCKFILE