# Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Soleta Networks # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. import argparse import re from cli.utils import print_json class OgDisk(): @staticmethod def list_disks(rest, args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='ogcli list disks') parser.add_argument('--client-ip', nargs='?', required=True, help='Client IP to query') parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) payload = {'client': [parsed_args.client_ip]} r = rest.get('/client/setup', payload=payload) print_json(r.text) @staticmethod def setup_disk(rest, args): def parse_size(size): size = size.upper() units = {"M": 1024, "G": 1024**2, "T": 1024**3} # Mapped to K # size = re.sub(r'(\d+)([MGT])', r'\1 \2', size) match = re.match(r'(\d+)([MGT])', size) if match: if len(match.groups()) == 2: number, unit = match.groups() return str(int(float(number)*units[unit])) raise ValueError(f'error parsing size {size}. Examples of valid sizes: 200M, 2G, 1T') disk_type_map = {'dos': 'MSDOS', 'gpt': 'GPT'} part_types = ['LINUX', 'EFI', 'WINDOWS', 'CACHE'] fs_types = ['EXT4', 'FAT32', 'NTFS', 'CACHE'] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='ogcli setup disk') parser.add_argument('--type', nargs='?', required=True, choices=['dos', 'gpt'], help='Disk partition scheme') parser.add_argument('--num', nargs='?', default=1, help='Disk number (defaults to 1)') parser.add_argument('--part', nargs='+', action='append', type=lambda x: x.split(','), required=True, help='Partition definition (syntax: "num,part_scheme,fs,size")') group = parser.add_argument_group('clients', 'Client selection args') group.add_argument('--center-id', type=int, action='append', default=[], required=False, help='Clients from given center id') group.add_argument('--room-id', type=int, action='append', default=[], required=False, help='Clients from given room id') group.add_argument('--client-ip', action='append', default=[], required=False, help='Specific client IP') parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) r = rest.get('/scopes') scopes = r.json() ips = set() for center in parsed_args.center_id: center_scope = scope_lookup(center, 'center', scopes) ips.update(ips_in_scope(center_scope)) for room in parsed_args.room_id: room_scope = scope_lookup(room, 'room', scopes) ips.update(ips_in_scope(room_scope)) for l in parsed_args.client_ip: ips.add(l) if not ips: print("Missing --client-ip, or --room-id/--center-id. No clients provided.") return None if not parsed_args.num.isdigit(): print(f'Invalid disk number: must be an integer value') return payload = {'clients': parsed_args.client_ip, 'type': disk_type_map[parsed_args.type], 'disk': str(parsed_args.num), 'cache': '0', 'cache_size': '0', 'partition_setup': []} defined_part_indices = set() for i, p in enumerate(parsed_args.part, start=1): p = p[0] if len(p) != 4: print(f'Invalid partition: requires "num,part_scheme,fs,size", "{",".join(p)}" provided') return part_num, code, fs, size = p[0], p[1].upper(), p[2].upper(), p[3] if not part_num.isdigit(): print(f'Invalid partition: the first parameter must be a number, "{part_num}" provided') return if part_num in defined_part_indices: print(f'Invalid partition: partition number "{part_num}" has multiple definitions') return defined_part_indices.add(part_num) if code not in part_types: print(f'Invalid partition {i}: specified partition type {code} is not supported. The supported formats are {part_types}') return if fs not in fs_types: print(f'Invalid partition {i}: specified filesystem {fs} is not supported. The supported formats are {fs_types}') return try: size = parse_size(size) except ValueError as error: print(f'Invalid partition {i}: {str(error)}') return for j in range(i, int(part_num)): part = {'partition': str(j), 'code': 'EMPTY', 'filesystem': 'EMPTY', 'size': '0', 'format': '0'} payload['partition_setup'].append(part) if fs == 'CACHE': # Assuming flag specifying if there's cache in the setup payload['cache'] = '1' payload['cache_size'] = size part = {'partition': str(p[0]), 'code': code.upper(), 'filesystem': fs.upper(), 'size': size, 'format': '0'} payload['partition_setup'].append(part) last_partnum = int(parsed_args.part[-1][0][0]) # Pad with empty partitions if no 4th part was defined for i in range(last_partnum + 1, 5): part = {'partition': str(i), 'code': 'EMPTY', 'filesystem': 'EMPTY', 'size': '0', 'format': '0'} payload['partition_setup'].append(part) rest.post('/setup', payload=payload)