{% extends 'scopes.html' %} {% import "bootstrap/wtf.html" as wtf %} {% set sidebar_state = 'disabled' %} {% set btn_back = true %} {% block nav_center %} active{% endblock %} {% block nav_center_delete %} active{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{_('Delete center')}}

{% if children %}

The following items will be deleted

{% for c in children %} {% endfor %}
{% for x in ancestors %} {{x}} {% if not loop.last %} > {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% if c['type'] == 'folder' %} 📁 {% endif %} {{c['name']}}
{% endif %} {{ wtf.quick_form(form, action=url_for('action_center_delete'), method='post', button_map={'submit': 'primary'}, extra_classes="mx-5") }} {% endblock %}