# # Copyright (C) 2020 Soleta Networks # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, version 3. # import socket import errno import enum import json import subprocess import shutil import os import guestfs import hivex import pathlib import re import math class OgQMP: class State(enum.Enum): CONNECTING = 0 RECEIVING = 1 FORCE_DISCONNECTED = 2 def __init__(self, ip, port): self.ip = ip self.port = port def connect(self): self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.state = self.State.CONNECTING self.data = "" try: self.sock.connect((self.ip, self.port)) except socket.error as err: print('Error connection' + str(err)) return None def recv(self): self.data = self.sock.recv(50024).decode('utf-8') return self.data def send(self, data=None): if not data: return None self.sock.send(bytes(data, 'utf-8')) return len(data) def disconnect(self): self.state = self.State.FORCE_DISCONNECTED self.sock.close() class OgVirtualOperations: def __init__(self): self.IP = '' self.VIRTUAL_PORT = 4444 def poweroff(self): qmp = OgQMP(self.IP, self.VIRTUAL_PORT) qmp.connect() qmp.recv() qmp.send(str({"execute": "qmp_capabilities"})) qmp.recv() qmp.send(str({"execute": "system_powerdown"})) qmp.disconnect() def reboot(self): qmp = OgQMP(self.IP, self.VIRTUAL_PORT) qmp.connect() qmp.recv() qmp.send(str({"execute": "qmp_capabilities"})) qmp.recv() qmp.send(str({"execute": "system_reset"})) qmp.disconnect() def session(self, request, ogRest): disk = request.getDisk() partition = request.getPartition() available_ram = os.sysconf('SC_PAGE_SIZE') * os.sysconf('SC_PHYS_PAGES') available_ram_mib = available_ram / 1024 ** 2 # Calculate the lower power of 2 amout of RAM memory for the VM. vm_ram_mib = 2 ** math.floor(math.log(available_ram_mib) / math.log(2)) cmd = (f'qemu-system-x86_64 -hda disk{disk}_part{partition}.qcow2 ' f'-qmp tcp:localhost:4444,server,nowait --enable-kvm ' f'-display gtk -cpu host -m {vm_ram_mib}M -boot c') subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True) def refresh(self, ogRest): path = 'partitions.json' temp_mount_dir = 'mnt' try: with open(path, 'r+') as f: data = json.loads(f.read()) for part in data['partition_setup']: if len(part['virt-drive']) > 0: subprocess.run([f'qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 {part["virt-drive"]}'], shell=True) subprocess.run([f'partprobe /dev/nbd0'], shell=True) subprocess.run([f'mount /dev/nbd0p1 {temp_mount_dir}'], shell=True) total_disk, used_disk, free_disk = shutil.disk_usage(temp_mount_dir) subprocess.run([f'umount {temp_mount_dir}'], shell=True) subprocess.run(['qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0'], shell=True) part['size'] = int(free_disk / 1024) part['used_size'] = int(100 * used_disk / free_disk) f.seek(0) f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) f.truncate() except FileNotFoundError: total_disk, used_disk, free_disk = shutil.disk_usage("/") data = {'serial_number': '', 'disk_setup': {'disk': 1, 'partition': 0, 'code': '0', 'filesystem': '', 'os': '', 'size': int(free_disk / 1024), 'used_size': int(100 * used_disk / free_disk)}, 'partition_setup': []} for i in range(4): part_json = {'disk': 1, 'partition': i + 1, 'code': '', 'filesystem': 'EMPTY', 'os': '', 'size': 0, 'used_size': 0, 'virt-drive': ''} data['partition_setup'].append(part_json) with open(path, 'w+') as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) # TODO no debería ser necesario eliminar virt-drive ni transformar a strings for part in data['partition_setup']: part.pop('virt-drive') for k, v in part.items(): part[k] = str(v) data['disk_setup'] = {k: str(v) for k, v in data['disk_setup'].items()} return data def setup(self, request, ogRest): path = 'partitions.json' refresh(ogRest) part_setup = request.getPartitionSetup() disk = request.getDisk() for i, part in enumerate(part_setup): if int(part['format']) == 0: continue drive_path = f'disk{disk}_part{part["partition"]}.qcow2' sequence = [f'qemu-img create -f qcow2 {drive_path} {part["size"]}K', f'qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 {drive_path}', f'parted /dev/nbd0 mklabel gpt', f'parted -a opt /dev/nbd0 mkpart primary {part["filesystem"]} 2048s 100%', f'mkfs.{part["filesystem"].lower()} /dev/nbd0p1', f'qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0'] for cmd in sequence: process = subprocess.run([cmd], shell=True) if process.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError with open(path, 'r+') as f: data = json.loads(f.read()) if part['code'] == 'LINUX': data['partition_setup'][i]['code'] = '0083' elif part['code'] == 'NTFS': data['partition_setup'][i]['code'] = '0007' elif part['code'] == 'DATA': data['partition_setup'][i]['code'] = '00da' data['partition_setup'][i]['filesystem'] = part['filesystem'] data['partition_setup'][i]['size'] = int(part['size']) data['partition_setup'][i]['virt-drive'] = drive_path f.seek(0) f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) f.truncate() return refresh(ogRest) def image_create(self, path, request, ogRest): disk = request.getDisk() partition = request.getPartition() name = request.getName() repo = request.getRepo() # Check if VM is running. qmp = OgQMP(self.IP, self.VIRTUAL_PORT) if qmp.connect() != None: qmp.disconnect() return None refresh(ogRest) drive_path = f'disk{disk}_part{partition}.qcow2' repo_path = f'images' try: shutil.copy(drive_path, f'{repo_path}/{name}') except: return None return True def image_restore(self, request, ogRest): disk = request.getDisk() partition = request.getPartition() name = request.getName() repo = request.getRepo() # TODO Multicast? Unicast? Solo copia con samba. ctype = request.getType() profile = request.getProfile() cid = request.getId() # Check if VM is running. qmp = OgQMP(self.IP, self.VIRTUAL_PORT) if qmp.connect() != None: qmp.disconnect() return None refresh(ogRest) drive_path = f'disk{disk}_part{partition}.qcow2' repo_path = f'images' if os.path.exists(drive_path): os.remove(drive_path) try: shutil.copy(f'{repo_path}/{name}', drive_path) except: return None return True def software(self, request, path, ogRest): DPKG_PATH = '/var/lib/dpkg/status' disk = request.getDisk() partition = request.getPartition() drive_path = f'disk{disk}_part{partition}.qcow2' g = guestfs.GuestFS(python_return_dict=True) g.add_drive_opts(drive_path, readonly=1) g.launch() root = g.inspect_os()[0] os_type = g.inspect_get_type(root) os_major_version = g.inspect_get_major_version(root) os_minor_version = g.inspect_get_minor_version(root) os_distro = g.inspect_get_distro(root) software = [] if 'linux' in os_type: g.mount_ro(g.list_partitions()[0], '/') try: g.download('/' + DPKG_PATH, 'dpkg_list') except: pass g.umount_all() if os.path.isfile('dpkg_list'): pkg_pattern = re.compile('Package: (.+)') version_pattern = re.compile('Version: (.+)') with open('dpkg_list', 'r') as f: for line in f: pkg_match = pkg_pattern.match(line) version_match = version_pattern.match(line) if pkg_match: pkg = pkg_match.group(1) elif version_match: version = version_match.group(1) elif line == '\n': software.append(pkg + ' ' + version) else: continue os.remove('dpkg_list') elif 'windows' in os_type: g.mount_ro(g.list_partitions()[0], '/') hive_file_path = g.inspect_get_windows_software_hive(root) g.download('/' + hive_file_path, 'win_reg') g.umount_all() h = hivex.Hivex('win_reg') key = h.root() key = h.node_get_child (key, 'Microsoft') key = h.node_get_child (key, 'Windows') key = h.node_get_child (key, 'CurrentVersion') key = h.node_get_child (key, 'Uninstall') software += [h.node_name(x) for x in h.node_children(key)] # Just for 64 bit Windows versions, check for 32 bit software. if (os_major_version == 5 and os_minor_version >= 2) or \ (os_major_version >= 6): key = h.root() key = h.node_get_child (key, 'Wow6432Node') key = h.node_get_child (key, 'Microsoft') key = h.node_get_child (key, 'Windows') key = h.node_get_child (key, 'CurrentVersion') key = h.node_get_child (key, 'Uninstall') software += [h.node_name(x) for x in h.node_children(key)] os.remove('win_reg') with open(path, 'w+') as f: f.seek(0) for program in software: f.write(f'{program}\n') f.truncate() def parse_pci(self, path='/usr/share/misc/pci.ids'): data = {} with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line[0] == '#': continue elif len(line.strip()) == 0: continue else: if line[:2] == '\t\t': fields = line.strip().split(maxsplit=2) data[last_vendor][last_device][(fields[0], fields[1])] = fields[2] elif line[:1] == '\t': fields = line.strip().split(maxsplit=1) last_device = fields[0] data[last_vendor][fields[0]] = {'name': fields[1]} else: fields = line.strip().split(maxsplit=1) if fields[0] == 'ffff': break last_vendor = fields[0] data[fields[0]] = {'name': fields[1]} return data def hardware(self, path, ogRest): qmp = OgQMP(self.IP, self.VIRTUAL_PORT) qmp.connect() qmp.recv() qmp.send(str({"execute": "qmp_capabilities"})) qmp.recv() qmp.send(str({"execute": "query-pci"})) data = json.loads(qmp.recv()) data = data['return'][0]['devices'] pci_list = parse_pci() device_names = {} for device in data: vendor_id = hex(device['id']['vendor'])[2:] device_id = hex(device['id']['device'])[2:] subvendor_id = hex(device['id']['subsystem-vendor'])[2:] subdevice_id = hex(device['id']['subsystem'])[2:] description = device['class_info']['desc'].lower() name = '' try: name = pci_list[vendor_id]['name'] name += ' ' + pci_list[vendor_id][device_id]['name'] name += ' ' + pci_list[vendor_id][device_id][(subvendor_id, subdevice_id)] except KeyError: if vendor_id == '1234': name = 'VGA Cirrus Logic GD 5446' else: pass if 'usb' in description: device_names['usb'] = name elif 'ide' in description: device_names['ide'] = name elif 'ethernet' in description: device_names['net'] = name elif 'vga' in description: device_names['vga'] = name elif 'audio' in description or 'sound' in description: device_names['aud'] = name elif 'dvd' in description: device_names['cdr'] = name qmp.send(str({"execute": "query-memory-size-summary"})) data = json.loads(qmp.recv()) ram_size = int(data['return']['base-memory']) * 2 ** -20 device_names['mem'] = f'QEMU {int(ram_size)}MiB' qmp.send(str({"execute": "query-cpus-fast"})) data = json.loads(qmp.recv()) qmp.disconnect() cpu_arch = data['return'][0]['arch'] cpu_target = data['return'][0]['target'] cpu_cores = len(data['return']) device_names['cpu'] = f'CPU arch:{cpu_arch} target:{cpu_target} ' \ f'cores:{cpu_cores}' with open(path, 'w+') as f: f.seek(0) for k, v in device_names.items(): f.write(f'{k}={v}\n') f.truncate()