BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterogclient-systray: add new systray program for ogclientAlejandro Sirgo Rica6 days
more_eventsogClient: add supported events to live modeJose M. Guisado15 months
v1.3.2-26commit 476d82e6a9...Alejandro Sirgo Rica6 days
v1.3.2-25commit e4be5c34eb...Alejandro Sirgo Rica4 weeks
v1.3.2-23commit 90a9ba9543...OpenGnSys Support Team5 weeks
v1.3.2-24commit 90a9ba9543...OpenGnSys Support Team5 weeks
v1.3.2-22commit 3b5152cdc1...OpenGnSys Support Team6 weeks
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2024-07-15utils: missing f-string with filesystem resize errorv1.3.2-13OpenGnSys Support Team1-1/+1
2024-07-15utils: clean up error reporting related to checksumOpenGnSys Support Team1-2/+2
2024-07-15live: add checksum field to image/create responseOpenGnSys Support Team3-4/+17
2024-06-27live: check permissions when trying to fetch file via unicastv1.3.2-12OpenGnSys Support Team1-0/+4
2024-06-27live: revisit error log when failing to validate checksumOpenGnSys Support Team2-2/+5
2024-06-25live: add restricted execution mode to shell/runAlejandro Sirgo Rica1-4/+19
2024-06-21rest: add cmd field to POST /shell/runOpenGnSys Support Team4-4/+5
2024-06-21rest: add retcode field to POST /shell/runOpenGnSys Support Team4-4/+5
2024-06-07live: handle no cache in tiptorrent and unicast restorev1.3.2-11Alejandro Sirgo Rica1-1/+4
2024-06-07utils: remove bogus cache not found error after refresh commandAlejandro Sirgo Rica1-1/+0