path: root/server/bin/oglivecli
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/bin/oglivecli')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/server/bin/oglivecli b/server/bin/oglivecli
index 044cb1d4..a8d29cd5 100755
--- a/server/bin/oglivecli
+++ b/server/bin/oglivecli
@@ -4,30 +4,30 @@
#@file oglivecli
#@brief Command line tool to manage ogLive clients.
#@usage oglivecli Command [Options ...]
-#@usage Commands:
-#@usage help show this help
-#@usage version show script version
-#@usage config show configuration parameters
-#@usage check check system consistency
-#@usage convert convert old ogclient to new default ogLive client
-#@usage list list installed ogLive clients
-#@usage show all show JSON information about all installed ogLive clients
-#@usage show default show JSON information about ogLive client marked as default
-#@usage show Index|Dir show JSON information about an installed ogLive client
-#@usage search Index|Dir show corresponding index or directory
-#@usage download show a menu to download an ogLive ISO image from the OpenGnsys website
-#@usage download Iso download an specific ogLive ISO image from the OpenGnsys website
-#@usage install Iso install a new ogLive client from a downloaded ISO image
-#@usage uninstall Iso remove ISO image and uninstall its ogLive client
-#@usage uninstall Index|Dir uninstall an ogLive client
-#@usage get-default get index value for default ogLive client
-#@usage set-default Index set default ogLive client
-#@usage rebuild rebuild a lost configuration file
-#@usage assign Iso Index assign an ISO file to a JSON entry
-#@usage Options:
-#@usage Index a number, starting by 0
-#@usage Dir directory (relative to installation directory)
-#@usage Iso ISO file name (relative to download URL or download directory)
+#@param Command:
+#@param help show this help
+#@param version show script version
+#@param config [Parameter] show configuration parameters
+#@param check check system consistency
+#@param convert convert old ogclient to new default ogLive client
+#@param list list installed ogLive clients
+#@param show all show JSON information about all installed ogLive clients
+#@param show default show JSON information about ogLive client marked as default
+#@param show Index|Dir show JSON information about an installed ogLive client
+#@param search Index|Dir show corresponding index or directory
+#@param download show a menu to download an ogLive ISO image from the OpenGnsys website
+#@param download Iso download an specific ogLive ISO image from the OpenGnsys website
+#@param install Iso install a new ogLive client from a downloaded ISO image
+#@param uninstall Iso remove ISO image and uninstall its ogLive client
+#@param uninstall Index|Dir uninstall an ogLive client
+#@param get-default get index value for default ogLive client
+#@param set-default Index set default ogLive client
+#@param rebuild rebuild a lost configuration file
+#@param assign Iso Index assign an ISO file to a JSON entry
+#@param Options:
+#@param Index a number, starting by 0
+#@param Dir directory (relative to installation directory)
+#@param Iso ISO file name (relative to download URL or download directory)
#@warning This script needs "jq" command.
#@version 1.1.0 - Initial version.
#@author Ramón M. Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ function convert() {
[ ! -w $(dirname $INFOFILE) ] && raiseError access "Configuration file."
[ -n "$(stat -c "%N" $TFTPDIR/ogclient | awk '$3~/'$DEFOGLIVE'/ {print}')" ] && raiseError access "ogLive is already converted."
pushd $TFTPDIR >/dev/null || raiseError access "Installation directory."
- [ ! -f $OGCLIENT/ogvmlinuz ] && raiseError notfound "ogclient"
+ [ ! -f $OGCLIENT/ogvmlinuz ] && raiseError notfound "\"ogclient\"."
# Add entry to JSON file using ogclient kernel version.
OGLIVEKRNL=$(file -bkr $OGCLIENT/ogvmlinuz | awk '/Linux/ {for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i~/version/) {v=$(i+1);sub(/-.*/,"",v);print v}}')
@@ -114,27 +114,26 @@ function convert() {
# Show script configuration parameters.
function config() {
+ local DATA
+ DATA=$(cat << EOT
+ { "param": "config-file", "description": "Configuration file", "value": "$INFOFILE" },
+ { "param": "download-url", "description": "ogLive download URL", "value": "$DOWNLOADURL" },
+ { "param": "download-dir", "description": "ogLive download directory", "value": "$DOWNLOADDIR" },
+ { "param": "install-dir", "description": "ogLive installation directory", "value": "$TFTPDIR" },
+ { "param": "default-name", "description": "Default ogLive name", "value": "$DEFOGLIVE" },
+ { "param": "min-release", "description": "Mainimum compatibility release", "value": "r$MINREL" }
+ )
case $# in
0) # Show all parameters.
- cat << EOT
-Configuration file: $INFOFILE
-ogLive download URL: $DOWNLOADURL
-ogLive download directory: $DOWNLOADDIR
-ogLive installation directory: $TFTPDIR
-Default ogLive name: $DEFOGLIVE
-Mainimum compatibility release: r$MINREL
+ echo $DATA | jq -r '.[] | .description + " (" + .param+ ")," + .value' | column -ts,
1) # Show specified parameter.
- case "$1" in
- config-file) echo "$INFOFILE" ;;
- download-url) echo "$DOWNLOADURL" ;;
- download-dir) echo "$DOWNLOADDIR" ;;
- install-dir) echo "$TFTPDIR" ;;
- default-name) echo "$DEFOGLIVE" ;;
- min-release) echo "r$MINREL" ;;
- *) raiseError notfound "$1" ;;
- esac
+ DATA=$(echo $DATA | jq -r ".[] | select(.param==\"$1\").value")
+ [ "$DATA" ] || raiseError notfound "\"$1\"."
+ echo "$DATA"
*) # Usage error.
raiseError usage
@@ -219,16 +218,16 @@ function search() {
[ $# -ne 1 ] && raiseError usage
[ ! -r $INFOFILE ] && raiseError access "Configuration file."
# Show corresponding index or directory.
- list | awk -v d="$1" '{if ($2==d) print $1; if ($1==d) print $2}' | grep . || raiseError notfound "Index/Directory \"$1\""
+ list | awk -v d="$1" '{if ($2==d) print $1; if ($1==d) print $2}' | grep . || raiseError notfound "Index/Directory \"$1\"."
# Show a menu to select and download an ogLive ISO image from the OpenGnsys website.
function download() {
local ISOREL
[ $# -gt 1 ] && raiseError usage
- [ ! -d $DOWNLOADDIR ] && raiseError notfound "Download directory"
- [ ! -w $DOWNLOADDIR ] && raiseError access "Download directory"
+ [ ! -d $DOWNLOADDIR ] && raiseError notfound "Download directory."
+ [ ! -w $DOWNLOADDIR ] && raiseError access "Download directory."
# Check parameter.
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
# ogLive to download.
@@ -248,12 +247,11 @@ function download() {
# Get download size.
- SOURCELENGTH=$(curl --head --silent $DOWNLOADURL/$OGLIVEFILE | awk -F: '/Content-Length:/ {print $2}')
- [ -n "$SOURCELENGTH" ] || raiseError download "$OGLIVEFILE"
+ HTTPCODE=$(curl --head --silent $DOWNLOADURL/$OGLIVEFILE | awk '/HTTP\// {print $2}')
+ [ "$HTTPCODE" != "200" ] && raiseError download "\"$OGLIVEFILE\"."
# Download ogLive.
- trap "rm -f $TARGETFILE" 1 2 3 6 9 15
+ curl $DOWNLOADURL/$OGLIVEFILE -o $TARGETFILE || raiseError download "\"$OGLIVEFILE\"."
# Install an ogLive client from a previously downloaded ISO image.